The light of life

in HeartChurch3 years ago

10% for heartchurch


You have been called out of darkness into the marvellous light of God. That light is called the light of life which shows you the way of holiness, life and stewardship. It is like what the Lord did for the Israelites in the Old Testament; He brought them out of land Egypt, which make up darkness, into the Land that God promise then, which is a symbol of light! Darkness is what makes up sin, death, evil and every the negatives of life. You have been brought out of sin, out of sickness, out of disease, out from depression, out of poverty and all frustrations, into God’s Kingdom of light.

This is not what the Lord will do for you and i as we both grow in Christ; He has already done it for us. Colossians 1:12-13 says, “Give thanks to the Father, which has made us meet to be imbiber of the inheritance of the saints in the light: Who has saved us from the darkness power, and has overset us into his dear Son's kingdom.” When you made Lord Jesus the Lord of your life, you were translated into the Kingdom of the dear Son of God; it is a Spiritual kingdom of light, where you exercise in life by the grace of God through holiness.

You are not underbring to the darkness and the failing systems and cohensive of this world. You have been brought into the life of supernatural glory where you would shine forever. In Isaiah 60:1, He said “Arise, shine; for the light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.” Be what Lord Jesus Christ made you.

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