All Father has is yours

in HeartChurch3 years ago

10% for @heartchurch


Before Lord Christ Jesus came to the world, the Holy Ghost only came upon to men in part and for a temporary purpose, not permanent after which, the salve lifted. For example, the Bible says, “The Spirit of the LORD came upon Samson mightily, and he rent him (a young lion) as he would have rent a kid, and he had nothing in his hand...” (Judges 14:6). The same thing applicable with David; the Old Testament family did not have the Spirit in fullness. With Jesus Lord Jesus Christ; the Bible says, “it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness lives” (Colossians 1:19).

The word, “fullness” means abounding or completion; the abounding or complete content of a container in its maximum throughput and entirety. It means all things that the Father is, and the ones the Faster has, is in Lord Jesus Christ. Colossians 2:9 says, “For Jesus dwelleth all the fulness of the bodily Godhead.” When Jesus Christ walked in the streets, in the fullness of almighty God was in Him. Hallelujah! The most awesome part of this is that we have received this same fullness.

All that the Father is, and has, is in us, because Father lives in us. Have this awareness. Colossians 2:10 says, “And in Him, you are complete, which is the head of all power and principalities.” There is nothing that God has that’s supposed to be in you which is not in you. Your human life has been replaced by the life and nature of God. This is what differentiates you and those that are not born again; you carry the vessel of God. Through you, God manifests Himself—His life, His wisdom, His grace, His righteousness, His excellence, His glory and perfection because He lives in you in His fullness. Glory be to God!

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