Why do we preach the gospel.

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Good Morning.


Some have wondered why we preach the Gospel the way we do, all around the world, with so much urgency, fervency & passion.
It’s because the Master gave us a mandate of His soon Return.

Mathew 28:19, He said, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”.
He gave us a message for the whole world about what He came to do in the earth, so that when He comes back, many will be prepared for Him, & go with Him. This is our inspiration and the urgency of the moment.

We’re not just trying to get people excited about Christianity; it’s about Jesus Christ & His living message: He came to die for the whole world, & God raised Him from the dead. He ascended into heaven, & He’s alive today, & will come back any time from now. How ready are you for His return?
Have a Blessed Weekend.


True sir thus everyone who calls on the name of the lord of host must be an expression of the fathers will on earth, more grace even as you remain in him who is true.

We remain in him together, thanks.