Rejoicing in the glory of God. [Baruch 4:36-37 ]

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

May the peace of Christ reign in your hearts.

In my devotion today I have taken a verse from the Prophet Baruch, who was the secretary of the Prophet Jeremias (Baruch 4: 36-37), which fills me with consolation and joy since the reunification of Israel is announced there, where all believers in Christ we will be together around the word of the Holy One, radiant for the glory of God.

Today we face the harsh reality of forced emigration in my country of many fellow nationals, as a testimony of life, today I was talking in the supermarket with a young man who, being separated from his wife, she separated him from his children since Without their consent, he took them to another country. His twelve-year-old son, in a telephone conversation, consoled his father saying that they would soon meet again. As well as that case there are many similar stories.

In these circumstances we must always in prayer to God have the mercy that families meet again and that the power and glory of God be manifested among us.


36 Look toward the east, O Jerusalem,
and see the joy that is coming to you from God.
37 Look, your children are coming, whom you sent away;
they are coming, gathered from east and west,
at the word of the Holy One,
rejoicing in the glory of God. (Baruch 4:36-37)

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