Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven... [Matthew 5:11-12 NIV]

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

Today after receiving the daily message of the Goldencenser from the Gospel of Matthew verse [Matthew 5: 11-12 NIV], Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount tells me that I will be blessed if I keep my Faith even though I may be persecuted and humiliated or be slandered as a follower of his word and example. Since the Sermon on the Mount [Matthew 5: 112 NIV] reflects the words of life from Jesus' own lips, it invites us to evaluate ourselves in our faith and gives us the keys to have a happier life, accompanied by the beatitudes. that the Lord gives us.

Image from

Today, I also have the pleasure of participating in the good news of the live launch of the Heart Farm educational game promoted by our HeartChurch community and developed in collaboration of TLCC Consultants. This educational game that allows the person who participates to bring it closer and value the natural resources that God has provided for man. It deals with the participation in the auction of farm plots, which have their resources and which have to be canceled to participate in the auction using the Heart Token supported on the Telos Blockchain.

Despite the implicit complexity to be able to participate in the game, @rubenmedina182 has prepared an introductory post, in which it helps new people to participate, you can read its post at the following link.

Here I leave the movements of my Telos account in which I participate in the purchase of four plots, the minimum value to participate in the auction is 7 Heart Token, or in any case the bid can be made of properties that have already been reserved by other participants. In the event that a new bidder improves the offer we make, the Token Heart Token will be automatically returned to our accounts. At the end of the auction, if the maximum date is reached, the plots will be assigned to their last bidder, giving them a title deed that will certify them as owners of the plot.

Taken from my Telos Account felixgcia.jc
[screenshot by @felixgarciap]

Next, I show a screenshot of how it appears reflected in the mesh of parcels, one of the batches with I have started the game, it is taken from my Samsung Galaxi A10 cell phone.

[screenshot by @felixgarciap]

As part of my daily work, here I share my reflections published in my personal diary on Saturday, April 10, 2021 and the MEMO received from the Golden Censer.

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[screenshot by @felixgarciap]


Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven... [Matthew 5:11-12 NIV]

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[screenshot by @felixgarciap]

Waiting for your comments. I remain from you.


I´m proudly a #HeartChurch member.



Thank you my dear friend, for sure we will get our plots, and as far as possible we will help and guide those who need it!

You are welcome !!!! Cheers.

Very nice, insightful.. God bless you sir

Thank you very much dear friend. Welcome to steemit blog.

Thanks very much I'm appreciative of the gesture.

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