Jesus said “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener" [John 15:1-2 NIV]

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

In the Gospel of the apostle John verses (John 1: 1-2), there is a beautiful passage in which the words of Jesus come to life as He builds the work of his Father in each of our lives, comparing the work of the vinedresser in the care of his vineyard. So this verse for me is a wake-up call, in which I must show the fruits of my faith adjusted to the will that the Lord has determined for my life, in which my Heavenly Father places me on the path of trials that lead to shine as a faithful apostle of the Lord's announcement of salvation.

Nowadays, staying only with the external elements of our beliefs without expressing it in works of love in the service of those most in need means that our fruits are squalid and do not reflect the true power of transformation that the Lord has determined in each one of us.

With the daily reading of the Bible we find the source in which God is pruning us so that our life is fruitful and we have the spiritual sustenance that brings us closer to the Heavenly Father. Fertilizing our lives with daily prayer and meditation in a quiet place makes our hearts feed on the source of life that Jesus brings us in His gospel.

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Jesus said “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." John 15:1-2 NIV

[screenshot by @felixgarciap]

Receive my affection and blessings.


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A first step to access the HeartChurch Community and be able to enjoy the added value of our Community is to complete the affiliation to our services through a simple data registration process, in which we will immediately be registered in an account Blockchain Telos with our user from whom we would receive a daily message from the sacred scriptures and a universal basic income (UBI) consisting of a Heart token based on TELOS technology. From there the parishioner will have access to our digital channels in which, in addition to sharing the word, he will meet brothers from all over the world.

[Image autorized by @heartchurch Community]

The goods that we receive and those that we can give through our incorporation as members of the HeartChurch Community will give us the joy and Peace that our Lord wishes for our lives and also the opportunity to help other people anywhere in the world.

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[Use of Image authorized by @Heartchurch]


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