HeartChurch a community to share with the brothers!

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Image source pixabay.com


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

Today's historic moment in which we have the blessing of social media based on different platforms allows us as Christians to carry the message of our savior Jesus Christ to the nations, as social media has become a powerful evangelization mechanism.

Until a few years ago, the only means available for the massive dissemination of the message of Jesus was that of radio and television, where as passive participants we could listen to the preaching of pastors from our countries or from abroad.

At this time, each of us can participate more actively with the help of social media to carry the message of Jesus and also interact with our brothers from other places.

I joined the HeartChurch community about two years ago in which I have felt its sustained growth and the love and dedication that our brothers @sirknight and @darlenys01 have put into it, for my part I have had the pleasure of personally meeting the Apostle Darlenys who dreams that in the not too distant future the impact of HeartChurch transcends to being merely a blog.

So the list of siblings with whom I have interacted in the Heartchurch community is quite extensive. Today however, I want to highlight a message from brother @uyobong, which is current and is permanently anchored in the Blockchain in the utility of Peerhana, one of the technological tools that HeartChuch manages.


Brother Uyobong on SteemChurch. 'I have learnt seeing a people driven by love and a family growing together towards freedom. Dedication and sacrifice is one virtue that's pushing us forward.' [24 Jan 2020 Peeranha]

[screenshot @felixgarciap]

Receive my affection and blessings.


Connect with HeartChurch

In the HeartChurch community we have technological tools and spiritual guidance available in which an outstanding place is represented by the contributions of its members and the power to share musical expressions with the psalms that lead us to share the love of Christ beyond our borders.

A first step to access the HeartChurch Community and be able to enjoy the added value of our Community is to complete the affiliation to our services through a simple data registration process, in which we will immediately be registered in an account Blockchain Telos with our user from whom we would receive a daily message from the sacred scriptures and a universal basic income (UBI) consisting of a Heart token based on TELOS technology. From there the parishioner will have access to our digital channels in which, in addition to sharing the word, he will meet brothers from all over the world.

[Image autorized by @heartchurch Community]

The goods that we receive and those that we can give through our incorporation as members of the HeartChurch Community will give us the joy and Peace that our Lord wishes for our lives and also the opportunity to help other people anywhere in the world.

We continue to Reach to the World

I am proudly a #Heartchurch member.

[Use of Image authorized by @heartchurch]

Information about Telos Blockchain and Golden Censer

As part of the daily promotion of #heartchurch, the parishioner has the help of the Golden Censer who in addition to providing Hearts nourishes the believer with a verse from the Bible.

So with the support of the Holy Spirit the believer meditates and prays with the blessings given daily by the Golden Censer. In order to receive this blessing, you must have a Telos account and an account with the extension .jc, which must be previously authorized by Heartchurch.

Telos allows you to create a free account and makes available an official Sqrl wallet. However, you can purchase a free Telos account through the @Heartchurch form with suffix .jc, who assign you, among other things, the cpu and net necessary for the operation. Register here

If you want to know more details, we invite you to read the blog written by the Telos Foundation in the following link:


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63207.55
ETH 2571.17
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.82