in HeartChurch3 years ago


Ephesians.5:16 - "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil".

Time is a very precious thing before God and man. As important as time is, no man has been given the power to control time but God. Time waits for no man so, God wants us to live in constant awareness that the clock is ticking and no one has the power to manipulate it. We always have to be careful and mindful of how we live, don't waste your time acting foolishly or following after the things of the world which will only lead to destruction and damnation, knowing fully well that no one knows what time we are aloted by God here on earth.

Use every opportunity you have for the will and glory of God. Align yourself to His will, don't be distracted by the things of the world, live your life like you're taking your last breath the very next minute. Remember, everything done for Christ on earth has an heavenly reward (Mark9:41) but everything done carnally is wasted and blown away like ashes(1Cor 3:12-15). Make a decision that will impact your eternity positively, pray, study the Word, be watchful and ask God for help for no man knows when his time here on earth is up. I pray that our work here on earth will not stand against us on the day of judgement.

May God continue to help us all...@feliicia


well said,thanks for this timely word

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