in HeartChurch3 years ago

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Philippians 3:10 "That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death."

I have observed over time in my little stay on earth and the church that, there are some lines in our spiritual journey that needs to be connected which is disconnected for us to experience a constant flow of the Spirit.

Our anchor scripture revealed the heart cry of apostle Paul "that I may know Him"

He did not say that we may know Him. It is a personal heart cry. Our heart cries out for different things even as Christians.

Their are men whose heart cry is tilted only to the things God can do for them. The promises God made to them, and all the desires they believe God can meet.

Their heart cry doesn't yearn to know Him. It was on this background that Paul personalized his heart cry to God.

We might be in the same church, pray the same prayer point from the altar but our reception defers because of the heart cry.

I had a deeper understanding through the heart cry of a man that desires not the things of God or the things he can get from God but God Himself. The mistake many make is looking for the things of God rather than God.

Listen to this, " The highest God can give to a man is the gift of Himself". The question then becomes, what can be greater than this precious gift of God?

That I might know Him is but a dimension of apostle Paul's hunger.

What is apostle Paul looking to know about?

The Him from that scriptures refers to Jesus .

He encountered Jesus on His way to Damascus, in Acts 9. He was taught by Christ Himself. He had an encounter that words cannot alter, yet He screamed, " that I may know Him"

So what else about Jesus did apostle Paul want to know?

He realized that we don't only know the physical Jesus, but we need to constantly encounter the Spirit of Jesus who is made manifest after He left earth.

We all know Jesus so we claim in the person of Jesus Christ. But their is a realm of encounter with the Spirit of Jesus.

The physical Jesus when He was on earth was limited by Time, Space and geographic location. But the Spirit of Jesus is in us at the same time. The Spirit of Jesus is not limited, He dwells in us for His glory

Easter celebration centers on the climax of His assignment on earth.

For us to receive the access God by Mercy has granted unto us, it must be by knowing Him (Jesus Christ). Knowing Christ does not end in our salvation experience. There is a realm of the Spirit that is all about this personality of the Godhead.

If not that the sacrifice Christ paid on Calvary was consummated by His resurrection, we would have still been held bond by sin and the cosmocrator of this cosmos. But thank God He was born, thank God He died, but am more joyous because the grave lost its potency to hold him bond.

The second dimension of the heart cry of apostle Paul proves to us that knowing Him is not enough, but going the extra mile of knowing " The power of His Resurrection"

He was not comfortable knowing Him, He became so hungry to know Him and also what made Him Resurrect.

To me, that is the main Crux of the story. Because no man has ever died and resurrected again.

What is the secret? what power made it happened?

I realized that our hunger can pave way into encounters with Divinity.

Paul became a Spiritual archieologist, digging deep into Spiritual encounters. Even when he experienced heaven, he was still hungry for more.

The Spirit of God does not fill us only. He fills us and opens us up for more deeper realms of encounters through deeper yearnings and hunger.

Scripture says, deep calleth into deep. So when we go deeper, the deepest realms calleth and beckons on us for more deeper experiences.

Christians stop at just knowing Him, and knowing He died and resurrected but fail to understand that all Jesus came to do was to pave way for men to know and encounter THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION

Who or what is this power?

The power of His resurrection is not a strange and unaprehendable power, but the PERSONALITY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT

That was the reason Jesus told them not to depart out of Jerusalem until the " POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION" comes upon them.

Paul went ahead to declare in Roman's 8:11 "But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you._

My translation of that scripture is....
If the Spirit (Power) that raised Christ from the dead (resurrection) dwells in you, "He shall quicken your mortal bodies."

And Acts 1:8 confirms this "And ye shall receive POWER after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you."

So ladies and gentlemen in the house. I present to you THE HOLY SPIRIT , The power and force that destroyed the power of the grave.

The power and force that librated us from the bonds of sin.

The power and force that granted us access to the Spirit of the father.

The power and force that revitalized our bodies and made us fit for the kingdom.

The power and force that annihilated all the charges of sin against us.

The power and force that sealed the testimony of our sonship.

Today we are bold to declare He reigns because of the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.

And am set to declare to you that, He still has the POWER to bring every deadness in our lives back to life again. But there is a challenge.

Many have the Holy Spirit without POWER

This is a burden in the heart of God.

And ye shall receive POWER after the Holy Ghost comes upon you.

The reason is simple, WE LIMIT HIM through lots of means. Ranging from our Sin, down to our ignorance and spiritual laziness to disobedience to His leading. That is why we are not seeing power.

The Holy Spirit is not giving to us to enhance our Speaking in Tongues. He wants us to manifest POWER. His joy is for us to walk in the RESURRECTION POWER. He desire that all His children will weird this power and advance His course on earth.

We need to take out all the things limiting the HOLY SPIRITS flow in our lives so the world will see the POWER AT WORK IN US.

That I may know your power, Holy Ghost, not just to speak in tongues. That I may experience the same Force that resurrected Christ, that I might live unto righteousness and holiness. We give you praise and glory. Manifest your power in us. In Jesus name.

Amb. John C. Joseph
The Exceptional Writer

 3 years ago 

The resurrection of Jesus Christ was one of the most momentous moments in history. By rising from the dead to return to eternal power at the right hand of the Father, Jesus fulfilled a vital part of God's plan that is critically important in the life and future of all mankind. Let's dig into this topic to try to fully understand what the resurrection of Jesus Christ should mean for us.

Thank you for your reply, I really do appreciate.

The resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of our faith. Little wonder Paul said, "If He had not risen, then our faith is vain". The resurrection is the authenticity of our faith and the consummation of God's plan on earth. Which also gave us access to the Father in communion. Glory!!

Thanks for sharing a good word with us. We edge you for more brother. God bless you🙌

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