in HeartChurch3 years ago

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Jesus' ministry is characterized by teaching, because that is the tool of the kingdom that moulds and shapes the believer into the nature of the Immortals. It's unfortunate that many don't sit under the teachers of the word, they live in the fast and furious generation, where things needs to be done fast, so many believers count it a waste of time to sit for 1 hour Bible study without complaining.

Teaching takes time, so you must be patient to learn and be taught. Jesus began to teach His disciples the blessings of the kingdome He is representing. And He started thus;

  1. Blessed are the poor in Spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven: "The poor in Spirit" does not mean a poor believer but the humble in spirit; those who rate themselves insignificant, who doesn't pride over what they have, who sees the life they enjoy as a gift and decide to live for Him (God) as a gift back to Him, for theirs is the kingdom.

Any proud man you see is a candidate of God's shameful disgrace, humiliation, and destruction. For pride goeth before a fall. James 4:6

Verse 4 - Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted: when we get born again, we were told everything will be okay, but they never told us when? Most people believe that once they are born again, no more troubles and challenges.

How I wish it is true, but it's not. Let's come to the reality of life. Jesus didn't promise us a challenge free life but promised never to leave us or forsake us.

He promised to go through the fire and water with us isn't that awesome? Even when friends and family desert us, we can be rest assured that He will not leave.

So verse 4 speaks of the possibility of us to mourn either the death of a loved one, job, friends, possession amongst other things, but, in the process of it all, we are blessed because we shall be comforted by His Spirit.

In times of mourning, you will discover it's not the friends that came that supplied the strength to stand and persevere, but the time of silence and meditation when His Spirit minister to the soul.

Even in our mourning, we are still blessed by His Spirit.

Verse 5 says "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

The word meek speaks of the mild, patient and long-suffering. Patient and long-suffering is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

It is the nature of God. He has and is still patient with us. He sent His son to die even while we were still in our sins and is patient enough to wait until we accept the free gift of salvation.

So as a believer, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to work His patient because with it, we can stand firm amid the challenges we face to hold firm on God. Because it takes faith and patient to receive the promises of God. Hebrews 6:12

The tenacity of faith built through patient is a vital tool in inheriting the earth. Most people believe that we will inherit this present earth. Permit me to differ. We will indeed inherit the earth, but not this present wicked and harsh earth but the new Heaven and Earth that will come down from the throne of God that John the revelator saw in Rev. 21:1

Verse 6 says "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.

Jesus began to unveil to the disciples the terms and conditions of Spiritual transactions dominate in Zion. God will not fill you because He assumed you are hungry. Just as a doctor does not go to the patient and ask "are you sick?" Rather, the patient looks for the doctor to say "I am sick, please I need medical attention".

There is no assumption in the Spirit. In lieu with righteousness, you must hunger and thirst for you to be filled. This is one of the reasons why we have a lot of baby Christians who are satisfied with milk and have not graduated to eat meat and chew strong bones. Heb. 5:13-14

The baby Christians are unskillful when it comes to righteousness, they can't be used because they can't handle the heavy matters of the kingdom for they are still a liability.

God didn't make them so but they refused to hunger and thirst after God's righteousness, what they seek it's God's blessings. Until we seek ye first His kingdom and His righteousness, nothing can be added unto us called blessings or financial possessions.

Verse 7 says "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy: we are privileged by the mercy of God to be saved.

His Mercy never cease. But it is expedient that we show mercy to one another.

I have seen folks who are hardened that they don't have mercy in their vocabulary, as a matter of fact, "no mercy" is there other name. They are bent on retaliating any offence or wrong melted at them.

That is not the life God expect from us. "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us" many just have this verse of the scripture on their lips not in action.

If we fail to show mercy like the servant in Matthew 18:21-35, God will not show us mercy vv 34-35.

For we are to put on the bowl of mercies as elect of God. Colossians 3:12

Verse 8 "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God". Our God is holy; and without holiness, no eyes shall see the Lord: purity has been downplayed and watered down in our days. Many believe the lie that Christianity is in the heart, but no matter who you are, if the holiness of Zion is not lockup in your mortal body and spirit, then you don't know and can't see God.

God is of a purer eyes to behold iniquity; God cannot bring down His standard for no one. It is either holiness or nothing.

Verse 9. "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God". If it's possible, live at peace with all men. Peace is the order of the kingdom of God. God's children are not just peaceful, they are peace makers, they foster peace and pursue it regardless of the opposition.

Verse 10. "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. I Peter 3:14, Acts 5:4

Persecution can come in diverse ways: many are persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ, others are persecuted in their office, homes, peer groups and amongst others just for being and doing the right thing.

We live in an era where if you are not doing what the masses are doing, then you are a candidate of persecution and ridicule. But you need to uphold your faith for heaven's sake.

I trust God to help us live out the nature of God on earth to the Glory of the Father. Amen

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