in HeartChurch4 years ago

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You are the salt of the earth means that without you, the earth cannot be sweet. Hence, the sweetness of the earth depends on us Christians.

One of the ways we can become the salt of the earth is through the words of our mouth.


Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Vs. 6

As children we should learn to always speak soothing words to those in need of our encouragement, those we are downtrodden. We should learn to not to use harsh words but healing words that shall revive those who hear them.

Another ways we can become salt of the earth is to show kindness to others. Most times, our little act of kindness to one in need financially or otherwise is a great factor in making the world a sweet place for some other person to live in. show kindness not only to your friends, but to the hungry, the beggars, the sick, those who have no clothes.

If we as Christians can’t do these or don’t do these it actually means we’ve lost our savour. A salt that has lost savour is good for nothing but should be thrown out and trampled under the foot of men.


“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. Vs. 13

It is our duty as children of God to influence others with our savour and bring out the sweetness in them.
Show the earth that you’ve being anointed to be the salt of the earth. Become the salt to your generation and you shall leave a blueprint for them to see that you are the salt of the earth.

Remain the salt of the earth. Don’t be weary in doing good. Our reward as salt of the earth will surely come if you don’t give up.


Great message Sister @Evegrace. The call of God on us is to make the earth better and that we have been endowed to season as salt.

Please join us to build @Sc-n.

God bless you.

Thank you @evegrace, this message is insightful and inspirational.

You welcome @ oppongk.

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