God Our Deliverer

in HeartChurch3 years ago

1 SAMUEL 17vs37

David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee.

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The Lord our deliverer. There are many times we've found ourselves in situations that we feel all hope is lost. There are many times we find ourselves in a tight corner, only to realize that there is nobody out to bring us out of that corner.

There are many times we run around looking for someone to help us out of our situations and we do not have any one to help us and we begin to feel that the world hate us and that we are all alone in the world.

At the verge of looking for a way out of our problem, at the peak of looking for whom will deliver us from this situation, we end up forgetting that we have someone who is our deliverer and can rescue us any time and any day we call Him in time of our distress.

Human may fail us any time we run to them for help but God will never fail us. He will always come to our aid anytime He sees us in danger.

David believed and had confidence in the God he served. He knew that same God of yesterday who rescued him from the claws of the lion and bear is still the same God till today who will deliver Him from the hands of the Philistines and indeed, God did it.

We would notice that at this point, David had all reasons to be freaking out because he was not a skilled warrior like the Philistines warrior but he never freaked out. Instead, he believed that the God he serves that saved him before will still save him and yeah, God saved him from the hands of the Philistines and gave him victory.

He is our deliverer and will always come to our rescue in times when we are in danger or facing a difficult challenge we feel there is no help for us.


Human may fail us any time we run to them for help but God will never fail us.

It is true that God would never fail us. He sees us notwithstanding our location which may be out of men's reach.

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