in HeartChurch3 years ago

Hello and a happy new week to you all and I do believe you all had a great time in the presence of the Lord in your local churches.

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Today, I am here to encourage everyone of us to be firm and stand strong because we all will surely prevail.

Generally, life can be tough. People often say that it’s not a bed of roses because human experiences are usually an uneven combination of happiness, sorrow, victory, promises and disappointment.

Nevertheless, the word of God assures us that as Christians we can experience constant joy, peace and happiness in the Holy Ghost, regardless of the situation we are in this world.

In John Gospel Jesus has assured us that though there will be longsuffering and suffering in this world, that he will be there by our side and in him we have peace because he has overcome the world.

As we all know that the bible describes Satan as the prince of this world, and his agenda is to make everything and everyone in this world in bondage and under his servitude.

As a child of God, Christ has given to us the power to overcome the works of his hands and victory in all areas of our lives, but it’s our duty to claim this victory through prayer.

Satan will always try to assault us as God’s children but we must stand firm in prayer to overcome him and claim victory in Jesus Christ.

Don’t forget the scriptures, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians.6:12)

In our war-fare against the forces of darkness, prayer will always be the game changer.

Prayer changes situation; it softens harden hearts, puts the devil to flight and makes you formidable.

Today, I am here to announce to you that you can put a stop to all unpleasant situations in your life if only you go to God in prayer.

Through this importunate prayers, you can navigate your life through strength and courage and you can also strengthen your spiritual backbone by calling forth your breakthrough and deliverance in the name of Jesus Christ.

I pray may this message have an impact in your life as well in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Have a wonderful week ahead!!

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