Devotional: Overcome evil with good

in HeartChurch4 years ago

In the world, it is common to hear people say: "If you do it to me, I will do it to you." This is a very common saying among people who do not know Christ. They always seek revenge from those who hurt them. However, in the people of God, this saying cannot exist because the command of God is:

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:21 New King James Version (RVR1960)

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In the gospel, instead of taking revenge on what is wrong with us, the Lord's recommendation is that we should overcome evil by doing good. If someone commits a fault against you, the best thing you can do is look for what is good for that person, and in your head you will accumulate "fire water" that will produce remorse in the person's conscience and make you feel bad for what you did .

We should never pay those who hurt us with the same coin, the same Lord orders us to love our enemies, this with the intention that there is no hatred in our hearts, because whoever holds a grudge in his heart will hardly enter the kingdom. from heaven For this reason, the important thing is to forgive our enemies and do them good so that they feel in their hearts the pain and shame of evil that they do to others.

Therefore, friends and brothers, do not tire of doing good, because these works of good represent the righteous actions with which the servants of God must clothe themselves.


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