Faith Rules Even when we are not in normal times

in HeartChurch4 years ago


Genesis 8:1; But God remembered Noah and all the animals that were with him in the ark, and he send a wind over the earth and the water receded.

We are definitely not in normal times and lots of things have changed since the inception of this pandemic. Our current situation may somehow be compared that of Noah when a great rainfall came to claim the lives of people on earth. Now in all this happenings aside the fact that Noah was made known what is about to happen and he salvage those who believed and the lives that could be saved, Noah trusted in the Lord to see him and his family through it all.

Trusting the Lord now in these hard times when many seem to be losing their lives to a ranging pandemic that has no regard for the young or old, healthy or sick, weak or strong etc, is very important. Because it is only by putting your faith and trust in him that we are going to soar out of this damnation untouched. The Lord remember his people and will never leave nor forsake us.

So brethren today i would to remind you again, that faith rules even when we are not in normal times. So keep up the faith and know that the Lord remembers his people.


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