Week 1 // “The challenge of power for a community” // @elpastor

in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)


Welcome to HeartChurch International Ministry, the first blockchain church created for the purpose of impacting the world. Follow the path below to learn more about this international ministry.

Official website: https://www.heart-church.org/

Knowing the "vision and mission" of HeartChurch.

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Go to website HeartChurch is a successful community operating internationally, in countries like Venezuela, Nigeria, Ghana and the Philippines. His "Vision" is oriented to develop in each individual "Freedom in the spirit of Christ", with the slogan "Crusade for freedom". His great “Mission” is to promote Christianity on the blockchain by spreading the love of God, based on building a community of support, focused on capturing a social market, in which educational projects are implemented in areas of: nutrition, agriculture and promotion of blockchain technology.

HeartChurch and its core values


Go to website HeartChurch is made up of a team of professionals with Christian values ​​destined to satisfy physical and spiritual needs through knowledge, solidarity and love.

Its fundamental values ​​are:
• Provide spiritual and moral guidance within the blockchain.
• Fight for freedom in life and against oppression and slavery.
• Guarantee freedom and basic human rights for all humanity.
• To celebrate mother, father, children, and family!
• Grow supportive faith communities and build effective Christian leaders.
• To give the best of ourselves as our gift to God.

What does HeartChurch International Ministry offer?

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Go to website Currently HeartChurch is registering with the suffix "jc" in the telos ecosystem, all accounts have the Heart token, which generates one every day, the goal is that every Christian on the planet can enjoy this blessing, and obtain resources and learning for your family, community and country.

Services offered by HeartChurch


Go to website HeartChurch provides you:

• Resources
• Biblical Counseling
• Financial Consulting
• Project consulting
• Educational counseling
• Goldencenser Blogs
• General Blogs
• Project proposals
• Voting system

Events that HeartChurch has for you


Go to website With the purpose of developing your individual potential to transform communities, countries and the world framed in educational commitment and social action, HeartChurch offers you:

• Connect Communities: Through, meetings to train and instruct people in different areas: technological, spiritual and comprehensive education.
• Meet financial and spiritual needs: Go, those places to carry a message of hope, work with those who need both physical and financial help.

• Reduce poverty: Promote solidarity, based on education, insertion of values ​​through social projects such as “Bread From Heaven” and Education without limits.

HeartChurch operability applications

HeartChurch currently operates in technologies such as:

SQRL Wallet

How to enter the HeartChurch platform?

You must first log in through the Telos application, in order to know your Telos user, which is an important requirement for registration on the HeartChurch platform.

How to enter Telos?


Go to website

What we offer?
We are currently making registrations with the suffix "jc" in the telos ecosystem, all accounts have the Heart token, which generates one every day, the goal is that every Christian on the planet can enjoy this blessing, and obtain resources and learning to your family, community and country.

What can we do here?
Initially you can register in the form to obtain your account with suffix jc, this account has the integration of our "Heart" token which generates a cumulative token daily, we estimate that we can create educational applications, businesses, voting systems for community proposals and our own blogging resources.

After registering, what happens next?
Confirm your email account, then download any of the supported wallets to start using your tokens.

Register with the HeartChurch community

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Go to website For registration you must fill out a user form with some personal information that Hearthchurch requests for a satisfactory incorporation into the community.


Whitepaper HeartChurch
Correo Electrónico
Teléfono: + 58 - 426 581 08 31

HeartChurch Core Leadership Team Details:

HeartChurch was founded by @sirknight who is the general administrator, in each parish there is a representative and this in turn has a team with various skills and specialties: programmers, designers, social workers, doctors, analysts, software engineers, telecommunications , educators. etc.

The current representation of Heartchurch is in charge of Darlenys Ugas (@darlenys01), she is a systems engineer, she has had a great participation in social projects, from an early age she obtained her undergraduate degree (21 years later) specializing in computer networks through The prestigious Cisco Network Academy, obtained training in project planning, marketing, strategic planning and administration of computer systems, has worked as a consultant for undergraduate jobs, a classroom teacher at the university level, was a technologist in the Migration Management System and Immigration (SAIME) from his country, One of his most relevant jobs was as Computer and Systems Manager in the Ministry of Education, since he was recognized through a reengineering project of the technological platform and the inclusion in software management free in the national educational system. Case mentioned in the Venezuelan State press release. He currently works in the comprehensive security department of Petróleos de Venezuela as APS. (Preventive security architecture).

Thanks for your attention.


@elpastor Hola me gusta su publicación, hizo una excelente promoción del sitio web de HeartChurch.

Gracias @victoriaxl. El tuyo también es muy interesante. Bendiciones

Estas recibiendo nuestro voto y tu publicación aparecerá en nuestro reporte de curación.

mayvileros logo nuevo.png¡¡¡Felicidades!!!

Gracias @mayvileros por su valioso e importante voto. Bendiciones

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 65269.02
ETH 2653.11
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.84