Resting in the arms of Christ

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Come to me all you who are worked and loaded, and I will make you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your souls, 30 for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Matthew 11: 28-30 New King James Version (RVR1960)

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After six days of hard work creating the universe, Almighty God had to rest from the works of his hands, not because he had experienced the fatigue that our human body experiences, but the Lord prudently saw the need to remain silent and contemplate with pleasure all the beautiful things that he had created, and that it was necessary to leave a teaching for man, that he should stay still and contemplate the immensity of God's love through creation, as it is written: "The heavens and the earth speak of the glory of God ”(Psalm 19: 1).

God wanted to leave a great teaching on the need to rest from all the work that man can do and he would consecrate himself especially to contemplate the mercy and love of God in everything created. Therefore, while God rested from the works of his hands, he also established it for the people of Israel, commanding that the Sabbath be kept as a day of rest and that all people consecrate themselves to Him and not carry out any type of activity. in that day. .

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You will say, dear reader, but we are not in the Old covenant, you are right, we are in a new covenant, where the blood of Christ has redeemed us from all sin and curse and has broken the yoke of darkness that was in us. Christ has come to represent true rest for all mankind and Christ is superior to the Sabbath.

When we come to Christ we come to rest from our sinful works and throw our burdens of sins on Him, in order to receive the yoke of Christ through the Holy Spirit, who frees us from all spiritual chains and helps us carry the life that Christ offers us in full freedom.

Although it is true, this world is loaded with deceit, falsehood, lies, hatred, contempt, vice, evil, war, hunger, disease, humanitarian and economic crisis; a host of negative situations that afflict us and make us lead a hard life of disturbance and anguish. The solution to this problem is to come to Christ and throw all these burdens of disturbances at your feet and let Him completely control our lives. By casting all our anxieties upon Him we will find true rest for our souls and then we can consecrate ourselves in complete freedom before the heavenly Father. We will live under the yoke of the Holy Spirit who is love, joy, peace, meekness, faith, patience, temperance. All this guarantees us absolute rest in Christ and we will be new people oriented to form a better humanity that praises and glorifies the name of our God.

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I invite you, dear friend, to come to Christ and you will find rest for your soul.

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