Reflections of life: "And everything you do will prosper" || @elpastor

in HeartChurch4 years ago

The Christian's prosperity is conditional on obedience to divine law. If we submit to the standards that God establishes in his word, we will achieve countless blessings that include all areas of our lives, be it in the family, marriage, children, companies, finances, health, etc.

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1 Blessed is the man who did not walk in the council of the wicked, Neither was he in the way of sinners, Nor has he sat in a mockery's seat;
2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law he meditates day and night. 3 It will be like a tree planted by streams, That bears fruit in its time, And its leaf does not fall; And whatever he does shall prosper.
Psalms 1: 1-3 New King James Version (NRSV)

This psalm invites the believer to follow the path of the righteous and live apart from the counsel of the wicked, from the path of sinners and away from the saddle of mockers.

The end of the wicked if he does not repent is eternal punishment, however, the one who walks according to the statutes established by God, "will be like a tree planted next to streams, that yields its fruit in time and everything it does will prosper" .

Importantly, the path of evil men is the path of death, while the path of the righteous focuses on obedience to the word of God and its end is a glorious eternity of blessings. He who refuses to walk with sinners can be assured that God prospers him in different areas of his life. God prospers you in your marriage and your family is like a vine that bears fruit around you.

The prosperity of the one who does the will of God makes him live a life brimming with health and finances. God prospers you in your business, in your work, and in every activity you undertake.

This luck does not go with the bad, nor with those who sit to mock their neighbor. The word says that "they are like the thalamus carried by the wind."

God is faithful to his word as long as we are also faithful to him in obeying his word.

This is my brief reflection as I prepare for the second week of the “Empowering a Community” challenge. Blessings.


If you think the reflection message is right, your comments are appreciated.

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Thank you @palnetvoter (57) for your support. Many blessings.

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