Second coming

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Matthew 24:44
Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

Are you preparing for his second coming?

Are you still pretending to be working for God and deceiving everyone around you ?

Are you the type that is waiting for the last minute, that you will give your life to Christ when you are old or when you are about to die and have you ever thought what if you make it that long before you leave this world.

Are you the type that claims to be serving God and still follow the idols worshipers, worship and serve them the way you serve God?

We can only deceive humans but we can’t deceive God and there’s nothing we are doing now that’s will go unnoticed, as a christian we must prepare for his second coming, work for till the end and never depart from his word.

Thanks for your time.

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