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in HeartChurch3 years ago


I have talk to different people of my age telling me that they have missed feelings about their parent, they love their parent and also hate them because of one reason or the other, having arguments all the time because the love is dead. Family is a complex thing it takes understanding from God to manage sometimes.

Most families are broken today because of different reasons and most of these reasons are not difficult but we thought they are not necessary.

Communication is very important in every family and not just communicating alone but always try to understand, sometimes people actually communicate but fails to see things in a different angle and perspective, parent should employ a good communicating skills and higher level of understanding to be able to create good relationship.

One of those things a parent most understand is that change of era and believes are different, the way they do things 50years ago is different from the way they do things now, your belief will be different and a parent most be able to change with time and this reason have caused a lot of trouble in some family.

Every parent needs to put God first and teach their children to know God but that alone is not enough, a parent must be a good lister, good communicating skills, supportive, give attention and let love lead.

Ephesians 6:4
And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Thanks for your time.


During this time, respect for parents and parents for their children has been lost.

God Himself instituted family from the beginning. He cherishes it but there's always the case when the devil enters and everything gets bad. That's why it's aĺways good be close to God as a family just like you said and the love will forever endure.

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