Lord Increase Our Faith

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Faith is what allows us to approach God, because it is what leads us to believe in Him, to trust in Him. The bible says that if we have faith like a mustard seed we would tell the mountain move from here to there and it would move, that nothing would be impossible.



But it is difficult when things do not go as we expect to keep calm and trust, many people profess to have faith, but at the right time when they most need to demonstrate it, they can easily forget it, because they get absorbed by the problems and forget what they preached so much.

Having faith is important to have access to the miracles of God, to the benefits of the kingdom, if we cannot have that faith, we will never know this, because faith is the main trigger of a miracle.

What happens is that when we ask we already want to see what we are asking for and we do not have patience to wait, this makes our faith weaken more and more.

Many people criticize to declare, but if we see it in another way we can give it another scope, because sometimes our heart feels hurt, or tired of so much waiting and that makes us doubt, then this is when we must activate our mouth, because it is the one that can help us to revive our heart.

When our mouth begins to speak what our heart cannot, he will listen to it and this will help our faith to increase, because you will be repeating the word of God. Even when we have nothing we must pray and ask God not to allow us to fall away, to help us not to doubt, that our confidence does not fade, I know it is not easy in times of distress but I also know that if we continue to speak the right things even when our heart has no more strength we will be enlivened through faith.

Let us ask God to increase our faith, that we may grow every day in his love, that we may feel him and listen to him with our heart, God is good, merciful, He is always ready to come to our aid and to receive us as his children.

Pray to God, tell him Lord I know that without faith it is impossible to please you, increase my faith, I want to receive my miracle, even in a situation of despair when you think all is lost, do not stop asking God that your faith is increasing, above any circumstance, do not stop repeating prayers to God, even when you feel far away, because you will never know how close you are to receive that miracle that you have asked so much and you may give up being on the verge of achieving it.

Lord, increase our faith, so that we may not fail you, so that we may not move away from you, so that we may never doubt your goodness, so that we may always believe and live the great things that you can do with us.


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