in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)


Acts 16
6 And crossing Phrygia and the province of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia;
7 and when they reached Misia, they tried to go to Bithynia, but the Spirit did not allow it.

Apocalypse 3
7 Write to the angel of the church in Philadelphia: This says the Holy One, the True One, the one who has the key of David, the one who opens and no one closes, and closes and no one opens:

Today I want to share these two excerpts from two bible books about doors, because it is written that God is the one who opens and closes doors, in a few words a closed door has great value.
All of us at some point are going to go through situations in which it seems that we lose either an affection, a job, when a door that hurts us closes, how many here it has cost us to accept decisions that destroy our hearts, and sometimes we look at the heavens and we gave a cry of anguish saying:
God you do not see what is happening to me, you do not see what they are doing to me, how much I am suffering and the father remains silent, I have been one of those women who have cried to God, and I have told him why he has left me And he has not cared for me, it is without a doubt the dark night of my soul.

With the experience I have I have realized that they are doors that God has closed in our lives for love and because if they were still open they would destroy us, I am sure that God hurts more than ourselves to see us cry and suffer, in the middle from affliction he renewed our strength.


On the other hand, the lack of knowledge makes us misinterpret the intentions, when I took my daughter to give her a treatment, a vaccine she cried and she looked angry and complaining, she did not explain how, being her mother, she could let someone Unknown applied something that caused her pain, she did not have the knowledge to know that this would protect her in the future from contagious diseases.


This is God never doubt his goodness, never think that it is bad, when you close one door it is because another will open, for a better future, do not cry for the one who left, something better will come to your life, receive this word in the name of Jesus.Today the Lord tells us: because of all the process, all the pain we have gone through, we are immune to the attacks of the enemy and we can win any battle. Everything that Jehovah wants he does, and there is nothing that escapes from his hand Everything works for good to those who love God, to those who commit to His purposes are called.

In most cases, closing a door is a huge pain. If you have to leave your partner because there is nothing left of what there was, end your friendship with someone, leave a job where you were happy, leave the city where you live ... all this can cause great feeling of sadness. God knows what he does in our lives if we walk according to his word, the worst thing that can happen to us is that a door opens without being prepared. What I mean is that open doors must be to bless.

Nothing ends. Whether you abandon a loved one or lose a great love, your life is not over. You still have a lot to do, a large number of doors to open, adventures to enjoy, people to meet, jobs to start, cities to visit ... in God we have opportunities every day. Praise the name of Christ forever. We are God's work for good works, wait on him and his time.God uses closed doors to redirect us to His will. Therefore, the wisest answer is to trust in his infinite wisdom, wait for his clear direction, and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God's redirection brings blessing, if we simply trust Him and obey Him.

Let us give thanks for every door that God has closed in our lives!!.

The world and its desires pass but those who do the will of God remain forever. Remember that God's will is good, pleasant and perfect






Only God knows what is better for His Sons so we must accept that He may Open or he may Close any door in our way. God bless you.

True words. There times like that in my life when I cried to God but now, I am grateful for those closed doors. And His words in the book of Jeremiah 29:11 strengthens my faith when things like that happens.

His plans for us are good and when He closes doors that we expect are supposed to be open, it is for a reason and for our good.

Thanks for your encouraging words @darlenys01. It has strengthened me more.

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