in HeartChurch3 years ago

Many people are looking for joy in one thing or another and they are trying delights looking for ways to feel good and they even end up wasting their lives doing the wrong thing for looking for joys, but many of them do not realize that true joy is in things simplest of life. "Simple" because they do not require much effort, but deep because they leave very significant traces in our life, in our soul and in our spirit.


God gave Solomon wisdom, insight, and a breadth of heart like the sand on the seashore. And in the book of ecclesiastes he begins to describe everything he lived through. Solomon was one of the wisest men of all time and tasted all kinds of delights, had innumerable riches and did everything that his heart desired he did not deny himself any delight in his life that he wanted to do; but after having lived all this he said: "Vanity of vanities, said the Preacher, everything is vanity!" This wise man realized that even wisdom was useless that no wealth, no delight could satisfy as much as seeking God and living the simplest things in life even though for many they were insignificant.

At the end of his experiences, he expressed the following:

ecclesiastes 12:13
"The end of all the speech that you have heard is: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole of man."

Everything of man is to delight in God and not in the pleasures that the world offers us, because in those simple things like: having a coffee with the family, with a friend, walking through the countryside, getting together with our families to celebrate a birthday , hug our parents, our children, a friend, visit a good friend, read a good book... these things that seem simple to some are really beautiful


Dear friend and friend, life is a true emptiness when we do not have God in our hearts that cannot be ignored, life cannot be built only here and now, because the Bible tells us that there is an eternity, certainly the opportunities that God gives us, we have to take advantage of them and know how to live them because they will not come back, but much more than this there is an eternity where we have to reflect

One writer put it this way: "When I was a child I laughed and cried, and time crawled; when I was young I dreamed and talked, and time walked; when I grew old, time ran; when I grew old, old age, time flew fast; and very soon, as I continued to walk, time disappeared."

Take advantage of the time that God gives you but live by grace. Remember that we are dust and that there is a very courageous eternity that only God gives, that is why he must be present in our lives and enjoy those little things that we believe are simple but that are very courageous.

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