in HeartChurch3 years ago

Currently many people blame God for all the sufferings that the world is experiencing today through pandemics, crisis, hunger, pestilences, natural disasters, human losses, etc. and they wonder, Where is God?


And they keep asking, if God is almighty good and just, why does he allow so much suffering? Where is God?

Friend and friend, the bible is clear and emphatic about the sovereignty and omnipotence of God and through this reflection I rather urge you to reflect and ask yourself, Where am I? Perhaps if you asked yourself with sincerity and I answered you with sincerity then I could know or understand where God is, because simply God is in the place that you have him or in the place that you left him

There is also a key answer to this question. Did you know that although God is almighty God does not rule this world? Perhaps these words will surprise you, but it is written that this world is under the power of the evil one and you can think or say but I do not do anything wrong rather I do good works but it is written that no one by works is saved

In this vein, Satan dominates the world, why? Do you think that if God governed the world today we would have a society in crisis where adolescents and young people are destroyed every day by vices and families are mostly dysfunctional? Do you think that is what God wants for humanity? No, God does not want this for his creation.Do you know why he allows it because you serve someone other than God and because he is under the power of the evil one

John 10:10.
Satan came to steal, kill, and destroy the hopes, dreams, and lives of men; but Christ came to give life in abundance.

This is the other reason why there is so much suffering in the world; For men instead of following God rebel against him doing all kinds of evil and practicing all kinds of sin, therefore God cannot be where evil is, because the bible tells us that we are all destitute of the glory of God

However, all is not lost since God in his infinite love and mercy gave us his son Jesus Christ so that through him we could obtain salvation and eternal life since there is no other way given to men in whom we can be saved
Jesus is the door is the truth is life is the light of life

And everyone who has been born again recognizes his victory through Jesus Christ

1 Corinthians 15:57, But thank God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!

In Jesus we have salvation and eternal life, he is the only way to life, there is no salvation in any other, but for this we must surrender our life to God and seek him with all our heart.


 3 years ago 

Jesus never manipulated his followers by presenting a life away from afflictions. He said in John 16.33: "I have told you all of the above so that you may have peace in me. Here in the world you will have many trials and sorrows; but take courage, because I have overcome the world."

Realista, confrontativo y consolador el tema

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