in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

Romans 12: 2
2 Do not conform to this age, but transform yourself through the renewal of your understanding, so that you may verify what is the good will of God, pleasant and perfect.
King James Version (RVR1960)


Sometimes we do not understand some situations that occur in our lives because of not understanding that the reason for such things happening to us is because God is preventing us from future frustrations or things that can seriously damage our lives and chooses to close some doors that we believe are the best

Sometimes it is hard to face adverse situations and we believe that we do not deserve it, but we must understand and accept the will of God in our lives because he always prevents something worse from happening to us because he cares for us.

It is necessary to understand that the only true means to transform the human heart is the word of God inspired by the holy spirit which will remind us of everything established in his word and that will help us for good.

For this reason we find the advice that the apostle Paul makes regarding the will of God which is good and perfect at all times and refers to that you do not conform to this century which means that we should not conform to the things of this world that a system of things lives without God therefore the Christians who have adopted a new identity based on the word of God for no reason must accept the norms of an era whose god is unknown.

In this sense, the word reminds us that we should rather be transformed through the renewal of our mind dedicated to the ideals of the kingdom of God and his justice.

The world adopts many forms of appearances and schemes designed in the name of "fashions" that lead the human being to adopt them as laws, but we Christians do not have to adapt or practice this type of attitude that generally does not please God by accommodating us to a model or design that in the foreground violates the principles and commandments of God subjecting human beings to a supposed "freedom" that day by day rather enslaves them.

Faced with this type of attitude we should rather check what is the will of God we must submit ourselves daily through the renewal of our mind to God to check his good will which is good and perfect for his children

Let us live with humility accepting the will of our heavenly father. Let us live with trust and faith in our God and reflect on his love and goodness for us. We think that all that he allows to our lives is his will because it is necessary that it be so.

Dear friends and brothers, do not conform to the impositions of this world, to what this era wants to impose on us, first of all, is our freedom and identity that our heavenly father has granted us, and this is more important than all that this world can offer us


We do not have to conform or adapt to the things that this world offers us and that go against the will of God because if we have assumed a new identity through the fatherhood of God we do not have to accept guidelines that go against God

The world and its desires pass but those who do the will of God remain forever. Remember that God's will is good, pleasant and perfect





The world and its desires pass but those who do the will of God remain forever. Remember that God's will is good, pleasant and perfect

Very true! Thanks

Thanks for this amazing spirit lifting post...

Es verdad con el tiempo maduramos en la fe y confianza en Dios y aprendemos a aceptar su voluntad como si fuera nuestra, cuando comprendemos que en lo Bueno, Agradable y Perfecto no hay cabida para lo contrario.

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