in HeartChurch4 years ago

Much is written about love, now in times of pandemics we have seen the need to stop a little to appreciate what our life has been and in a way we have given love to our families and friends. One of the things that has revealed this world disaster is how many of the grandparents have died alone with no one around, what pain I felt when I saw this news, how much we are able to leave our parents in a care home, without the desire to Judging people because I don't know the situation, I ask God to give me the opportunity and the honor of taking care of my parents until their last days, at home, with their people, with their family.

Love is classified by many as a sentiment, because they relate it to the attraction of a couple, this is eros love, that if it is not subject to agape love, which is the eternal love that comes from God, it can never live its fullness.

Jesus teaches us that love means giving your life for others instead of taking someone's life, and being the last and humblest instead of the most powerful. Love sets us free. The individual who wants to dominate and control others has a tormented soul. On the other hand, that heart that burns with love has joy in the soul. The people who are loved to us are people with emptiness in their hearts, it is sad to meet people who may have material things but their personality is very great even when they are accompanied, this It is because of the hardness of people's hearts, we are not willing to give in, to listen to give up things of the ego to make someone happy, love is sometimes built by giving, serving, adding value to the lives of others.


Extract from a letter: It is natural to be attracted to the opposite sex, but these feelings are not an adequate foundation for a marriage and the formation of a family. It is very natural that when a man loves a woman, he wants to know if she is "the right one." There is only one answer to this question: the two of you must believe that by entering into a marital relationship you will draw closer to Jesus.
I can imagine - in fact, I know for sure - that the right spouse is not the most sexually attractive, but the one whose company will lead the two husbands to Jesus. If marriage is based solely on physical attraction, it will easily fall apart.

When Jesus spoke about marriage he referred to the heart, he who is not united from the heart with his partner is adulterer. In a true marriage, first of all, man and woman are united in spirit. This means that they are one in faith, one in their experience of God, it is without a doubt, the essential thing God unites people with a purpose and that purpose must be achieved.

Agape love is that unconditional love that gives us freedom, if this love remains in us so will empathy, solidarity, disposition, love is learned, renewing the mind. I have a friend who psychologist she always tells me that to She is paid to listen, yes, most people have a big problem in communication, in listening to what the other person wants and feels, that is the first step towards the success of relationships. Another important point is to idealize the other person, that idealization does not allow us to renounce paradigms established by the world.


In a deeper sense, marriage leads to community life and there is a correct order for a marriage to be successful:

  • First the unity of the spirit.
  • Then the unity of heart and soul.
  • and last only then the physical union.

In most cases, we do it backwards, we unite the meat, the physical and then we try to see if we are the same spirit and the same heart, it is tremendous what happens when the person does not have the same vision as us, when the emotion passes, passion, then they will say, love is over ... love does not end is a perfect link, the idealization of the emotion we think love is over.A marriage will last only if both spouses are humble and open-hearted.Sexual love represents only a small part of God's most intense love.No one can live without love. Those without love grow old and die; in truth, they are already dead. Where love sickens and degenerates, the most intimate life is poisoned. Those who allow the burning desire and longing for love not to be used suffer the loss of their most precious possession.

No one can live without love. Deep down we all care about love. We all feel that love is our destiny.

Jesus completely transcended the life of eros. He did not repress emotional relationships, but rather revealed God's love free from carnal desire. And the love of God is eternal and imperishable. Greed and vanity, possession and property perish before him, as do the highest gifts of language, knowledge and prophecy. "He who lives in love lives in God, and God lives in him." Love begets love.

The cordiality that comes from the heart of God cannot be produced in any laboratory, by any decree, by any organization. This agape knows no limits of space and time. It is the force of invincible perseverance. It is constant fidelity and has strength for any task. When a person meets love, almost everything else is relativized. Living with the passion that love produces within us, the most difficult thing is knowing how to take good care of that love that life put in our way to try to keep it in time.

Try it, live with love ..., you will see how all the gaps are being filled. As the poet said "Neither absence nor time are anything when you love"





gracias al Señor por su amor, amor indescriptible, amor incomprensible dado a todos nosotros y que cambia nuestras vidas.

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