I wish I could describe him but he is indescribable do you know him?

in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

I read this description out there and I really loved it and today I want to share it with everyone because sometimes we really forget who he is the

Countless times we preach and talk about the love of God, God's plan, forgiveness, salvation, we talk about success and the wisdom of people to find it, we talk about how to overcome fears, storms, how to pass the deserts, etc., but we almost never describe the essence and the magnitude of the greatness of our God

The Christian and the world must know who is the author of their lives, who God is and what he is capable of doing when we believe him.

The Bible says that my King is the King of Israel He is the King of righteousness He is the King of ages He is the King of heaven He is the King of glory He is the King of kings he is the King of lords that He is my King and I wonder do you know him?

Sometimes we wonder how to describe an indescribable God


Daniel 2:37
You, O King, are King of kings, to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the power, the strength and the glory;
(New American Standard)

There is no one like him in the world because all the kings of the earth are summed up to nothing before his presence and all are under his power

My King is a sovereign King no measure of quantity can define the limits of his love He is enduringly strong He is sincere he is eternally firm He is immortally kind He is imperially powerful he is impartially merciful do you know him?

Daniel 4:35
And all the inhabitants of the earth are considered as nothing, but He acts according to His will in the army of heaven and {among} the inhabitants of the earth; no one can stop his hand, or say to him, "What have you done?"

He is the creator of the universe and your creator


Our God is sovereign and nobody has the slightest idea of ​​how much love he is, no mathematical science can define him because there is no number that can contain the amount of his love

He is the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizon of this world He is the son of God He is the savior of sinners He is the essential piece of civilization He is incomparable He is without precedent He is the most exquisite idea of Literature He is the highest personality in philosophy He is the fundamental doctrine of true theology He is the only one qualified to be the savior of this world I ask you do you know him?

Deuteronomy 32: 4
The rock His work is perfect, because all his ways are just; God of fidelity and without injustice, just and upright is He.

There is not and will not exist in this world a phenomenon as real as that which can precede it before or after. There is no philosophy or civilization or literature or human condition that can be higher or greater than He. There is no human, no matter how powerful he is. this land that can do what our God does

He gives strength to the weak He stands in solidarity and He saves He strengthens and sustains He guards and He guides He heals the sick He cleanses the lepers He forgives sinners he frees the debtors He frees the captive he blesses the young He serves the unfortunate He rewards the elderly He rewards the diligent He beautifies the meek I wonder do you know him?

<Psalms 86: 5
"Well, Lord, you are good and forgiving, abundant in mercy towards all those who invoke you."

Psalms 103: 3
"He is the one who forgives all your iniquities, the one who heals all your diseases"

Isaiah 43:25
"I, I am the one who erases your transgressions for love of myself, and I will not remember your sins."

He keeps his promises and keeps his word because he is not a son of man to lie and his pacts are for eternity
Have you ever met someone like him on your way? What man in this world can give freedom to the same man? Who can heal and forgive sins on this earth?

He is the key to knowledge HE is the source of wisdom He is the door to liberation He is the way to peace He is the way to righteousness He is the highway to holiness
He is the gateway to glory I ask do you know him?

His life is unmatched his goodness has no limits his mercy is eternal his love never changes his word is permanent his grace is sufficient his reign is just his yoke is easy and light his burden I wish I could describe him but he is indescribable He is invincible He is irresistible
Do you know him you can't get it out of your mind you can't let it go you can't survive without it

Matthew 11: 28-30
28 “Come to me, all of you who are tired and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Load my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your soul

The Pharisees could not stop him because they understood that he could not be stopped. Pilate could not find a fault in Him. Herod could not kill him. the world could not limit him and the grave could not hold him. He is my King. He is Jesus.

This is our God this is our King the only real and true Jesus Christ our Lord!!






Yes and Amen! One thing i believe in 1 John 4:8
Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. I cannot explain how deep the love of God for us...

Great message my Sister! Thanks for sharing with us ♥️

The song is now on my auto play. I am really affected deeply in the words of the lyrics.

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