in HeartChurch4 years ago

The Christian must have a prevailing controversial characteristic of what the word of God establishes to be able to call himself the son of God, he must have a firm and constant personality of search and direction of the presence of God to walk with precision and balance because God does not want Christians Shallow without firmness or identity he yearns for transformed people with conviction and courage to change the destinies of this generation.

God seeks men and women who do not easily yield to the pressures and things of this world with attachments and imbalances but who think with sanity and manage their lives in a balanced way in all things because today there really is a society that quickly yields to the currents of this world to feel approved by others


God seeks authentic people with conviction to transform through his word this generation that needs him so much.

God is forming a new generation of women and men hungry for him thirsty for the holy spirit that does not conform to this century who do not try to imitate anything in this world Christians who are desperate for the glory of God to come on earth

There is a new generation that is hungry I ask you, what kind of Christian am I? I ask you, what kind of Christian are you? Are you a shallow Christian running behind the world and yielding to his desires seeking to feed your need for great human emotions that stand out from your personality or are you a hungry for God thirsty for heaven hungry for revival.


The bible advises us through this verse not to give in or conform to the system of things of this world

Romans 12: 2
2 Do not conform to this age, but transform yourself through the renewal of your understanding, so that you may verify what is the good will of God, pleasant and perfect.

Do not conform to this century this world refers to a system without God because this generation that God wants to raise is a brave, determined generation full of faith and conviction that knows that it will not accept the norms of an era that does not honor God and that misrepresents everything established in the written word we are not going to give in any way to a generation that does not know where it is going and whose god is the devil, on the contrary we are going to be transformed through the renewal of our mind dedicated to the ideal of the kingdom of God because we need to be transformed to transform this generation

God's longing is that you and I can become this kind of believer because this kind of believer is the one who is going to transform the world a believer who is not willing to be intimidated by the things of this world or accommodate to things present in order to please men but day by day longs to seek the presence of God as the most priority and essential need of their lives


We need to bring Jesus to this generation but before we must be transformed in order to transform because even though we see the world giving way to current things every day they are thirsty for something they do not know how to identify but they know they are incomplete because they lack something in their life they must fill and it is God.

From all this current situation which is very difficult for all, God is forming a new generation of brave men and women willing to transform also those people thirsty for God, men and women willing to take the word and conquer the world for God Christians. loyal obedient firm and with a true christian identity





Amen, I am part of that generation by faith. Glory be to God.

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