in HeartChurch3 years ago

Egocentrism in all its stages and areas is negative because egocentric people always want to be right in everything and want to win everything.
In the opinion of: Wuicho villegas
"The problem with the ego is not that it always wants to win, but that when it does, it is a lousy winner: conceited, hollow, silly, without empathy, without morals, or any kind of courage"


Egocentrism is also considered as a mental health disorder since the person who suffers from it believes himself to be the center of the world and becomes a narcissist

The bible advises us the following:

Romans 12: 3
I say, then, by the grace that is given to me, to each one who is among you, not to have a higher opinion of himself than he should have, but to think of himself with sanity, according to the measure of faith that God distributed to each.

"The egocentric is one who considers himself the center of all interests, the center of attention, the center of everything or the center of the world, who believes that his own opinions and interests are more important than those of others. manifests in various ways "

Egocentrism goes against biblical principles since this characteristic of the personality of the human being separates him from God due to his actions of feelings of omnipotence and the various negative factors that invade his heart, therefore a Christian person who says will follow God you can never have this kind of attitude

Self-centeredness according to the Bible
The term derives from the Latin ego, which means "I". An egocentric person cannot "put himself in the shoes of others (taking off his own first)", and believes that everyone seeks or should seek what he seeks (or what he sees, in some way, exceeds what others come)
(Theological dictionary)

Self-centered people can never please God; because certainly this type of people live to please the world and the things of the flesh and about this the bible says the following:

Romans 8: 8
8 and those who live according to the flesh cannot please God.

Egocentric people are far from God because their practices are selfish and of exacerbated self-esteem lacking empathy, therefore they are people who need God to be able to change that fantasy world that damages their mental health

In this sense, self-centeredness becomes an enemy and a problem for the mental health of the Christian since God transforms our hearts and longs for us to be humble, empathetic and understand that we do not deserve anything and that everything we have is by God's grace


Confieso que tenia tiempo sin detenerme en leer una de tus publicaciones, realmente el ego esta haciendo daño a las congregaciones, parecemos no entenderlo que somos un instrumento del Señor, un trozo de barro en sus manos, existe una canción que no recuerdo muy bien sobre un burrito que creía que a él lo adoraba y lo alababan y ponían palma al el pasar para que no tocara la tierra con sus pata, al final el burro descubre que no era a él el que aplaudían sino al que iba sobre sus lomo, Jesús es su nombre, el Rey.

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