Decide to Get Up

in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)


Ig:Yesenia Then

Today I found this photograph, it is of a palm tree that fell, but this gave a change to his life and he got up again, I definitely loved what this image transmits, the word compares us to a palm tree, let's see Psalms 92: 12-13.

Psalms 92 King James Version (RVR1960)
The righteous will flourish like the palm tree;
It will grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
13 Planted in the house of Jehovah,
They will flourish in the courts of our God.
14 Even in old age they will bear fruit;
They will be vigorous and green,
15 To announce that Jehovah my strength is upright,
And that there is no injustice in it.

A great promise in which we must meditate, I do not know how many times you have fallen, and if today those circumstances have you on the ground, come and contemplate with that palm on the ground it turned and rose again, it is the time of your rising, not to continue on the ground that God helps us, give us strength and encouragement, multiply forces like that of the buffalo and place us on high.

He told this man to be healthy, and today I tell you that we do not need more than the love of God to stand, brothers, we are empowered in the name of Jesus.





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