Go again

in HeartChurch4 years ago

And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.Luke5:5


There is a popular saying that says, that quitters don't win and winners don't quit, a close look at the scripture (Luke 5:5), you discover that, Peter and the rest of the people toil all through the night and they caught nothing, they almost gave up if not that Jesus shows up, and after they have obey Jesus instruction there was an opportunity for them to go again,and the reverse was the case.

To overcome in life, you must learn to go again, you must doing it again and again. Faith is the tools for overcoming in life and it must be a working faith.

Shining in life is solely your Responsibility's, life is full of obstacles,only those who are ready to go again will overcome their life obstacles.
Also life is full of negativity and it will always remain that way until you are ready to go again,going again is the only way to change your negative report to positive report.

Why must you go again

  • Your inability to go again will stop you from fulfilling your destiny.

  • You go again because if you are a non goer, your circumstances in life will never change.

  • You must go again, because consistency is required if you must make or create impact.

  • You must go again, because hard work commands prosperity, so rise and do something before something will do you.

  • You must go again, because the beauty of life is never found until you are consistent.

  • You must go again, because the place of repeated attempt can't be over emphasized.

  • You must go again, because you are allow to do it repeatedly until you get your required result.

  • life will not condemned you if you make several attempt, but life will be so unfair with you if you refuse to do nothing at all.

Stop looking at your back because your back keep remembering you of your failures, disappointment, misfortunes.. etc
Your past trails can never be compared to your next attempt.

Life will always cause you something, but if you determine to succeed you will definitely overcome it.

Go again no matter what people say,remain focus and win, there is greatness in you.

Stay blessed

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