All grace

in HeartChurch4 years ago


The need of grace in a man's life cannot be over emphasis, because the grace of God is what make's life ease, if you go through life without the grace of God you will definitly suffer through life.

God's grace is what every man need in life, the arrival of the grace of God in a man's life is the exits of all form of suffering. Grace is a spirit, it is the aroma of God moving in to favour a man's life.

What is Grace

Grace is God's deposition toward man from eternity to eternity.
Grace is God showing us undeserved and undiluted love.
Grace is God over loving man.
Grace is God's cure and the solution for sin.
After a long period of sacrifices of man trying to be free from sin and get back in union with God was abortive, God had to give man the gift of grace, because no man could survive under the law.

Life is can never be beautiful outside grace, grace is not an event but grace is a person and the person is Jesus, Jesus is the gift of God to man which is the grace of God, this grace is not temporary but eternal, and you need to receive this grace to become your.

John 1:16-17 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.
For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

How to attract grace

=>> Grace come by training: training is a spring board that will take you to a place of perfection in life, you need to be adequately inform in every area of your life so that you will not make the work of God in vain.

You will not know until you learn:=>>2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

God want you to learn so that you know because grace must be known, Your testimony in life is connected to your learning in life. Anointing dose not replaced learning or training, that you are anointed dose not means you should not learn, the holy ghost dose not talk to foolish people.

What you learn determine the opportunity you have, always fight the enemy of learning which is pride, for pride goeth before fall. Locate your skill and develop it, don't try to be like another person because you are unique in your own style.

=>> Grace come through anointing:- Anointing prepare you for a battle and victory, your victory is connected to the anointing you carry, anointing make's life easy, anointing determine the rate of your achievement.

Acts 10:38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

Significant of Anointing

Anointing set you apart=>Genesis 28:18
Anointing destroy the yoke=>Isaiah 10:27
Anointing make's you unstoppable=> 2Samuel 19:21
Anointing releases healing virtue=>Mark 6:13
Anointing teaches you=> 1John 2:27
Anointing is an instructor and a teacher.

The grace of God is important to every man's life, and the grace of God is given to all, but not all that have the grace of God, because so many are still yet to received this grace that make's life ease. A gift cannot become your own until you received it, receive this gift of God and your life will never be the same.

Thank you for having me.

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