Our cry is heard

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Psalm 18: 6 “In my distress I call upon the Lord and cry out to my God. He heard my voice from his temple, and my cry reached before him, to his ears.

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We should always be grateful to God because he is the source that supplies us when we have any need. The Lord is our help in times of trouble. In truth, we don't have to have problems that may come our way, because God is our refuge and protector. If at any time we feel weak from facing opposition, the Lord is our strength.

We must always keep our eyes on the author and finisher of faith and not lose heart, no matter how great the trials, because the Lord has promised to be with us every day until the end and says his word that if God is with us who against us.

Our trust must always be firm in the Lord because he is bigger than any problem that we can live, we just have to remember to cry out to God and trust that our cry will reach his ears and will come to help us whatever the circumstance that we find ourselves. are happening. . He always listens to us.

The disciples asked the Lord to increase their faith, we can ask him to help us rest in the assurance of his protection and trust that he always hears us.

We must cry out to God always for everything we need and at all times; be it good or bad times.
And trust that God hears our cry from his temple, because it reaches his ears before him.
You just have to believe ... God doesn't lie.

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