Yes we believe, yes they believe ...

in HeartChurch4 years ago
There are people who believe that they do not believe in God and use any platform to shout their vehement denial, thereby doing nothing more than affirming, through their absurd position, the presence of the Creator in each of their acts and their words. Let's look at their attitudes from this point of view: Why does what we think does not exist need so much attention and dedication? Why worry about an entity that has never been among us?

We have, for example, individuals who refuse to accept the presence of aliens on our planet or any other of the millions of galaxies that make up the universe. And there are, of course, those who are, on the other side, convinced that aliens have been, forever, visiting the earth and traveling non-stop throughout the cosmos. The latter have specialists on the subject who try to gather the greatest amount of evidence to convince the skeptics, to alert us to the consequences in our way of life in case of consummating the supposed future encounters. However, this does not go beyond becoming a curious matter, which sometimes becomes fashionable, gains followers and new theories emerge about space beings and their ships flying through the skies. That is, those who do not agree with the existence of individuals who come from another planet, simply smile and pass by. They do not intend to lay the foundations that start a new current of thought or to create new visions of human behavior that generate an existential debate between the two confronting positions.

But things change when it comes to God. The denial of the existence of it, if we start to scrutinize it carefully, is not assumed by just anyone; only those who are highly prepared, only a high-flying intellectual, assumes the task of convincing others that a great majority of the inhabitants of this known world have lived, and surely will live, submerged in a mistaken illusion. No subject is as appealing to the scholar as this one to demonstrate the depth of his knowledge, to question historically established truths, to appear to attempt to overturn the precepts of faith, the canons of morality, and the divine foundations of religion. that have been among us for so long. To the extent that his theoretical contributions manage to establish themselves within those who share his ideas, the prestige of his legacy will take on relevance, since his knowledge and his ability to outline a reasonable doubt become evident. on certain readers.

However, as a good scholar, as a good observer of his time, he knows that everything will end there, in the recognition of him as an outstanding intellectual. Because, although he spends his life denying the existence of God, he is aware that his presence is in all the manifestations of nature that surrounds him, no matter how insignificant they may seem: in the flight of a butterfly, in the smile of a child. , in the loving prayer of the mother who always has a "God bless you" in her mouth ... Because, ultimately, he knows that when he argues profusely about the nonexistence of the Creator, he does not try to demonstrate to others the error in which he they find: he desperately wants to convince himself that they are right.

Image from Pixabay

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