Why Suffer, When we Can be Happy?

in HeartChurch3 years ago

In the presence of God we can find joy and delight fully. When we live full of joy, we will live differently than others, for a joyful person leads a happier life.


We should all concentrate on living in a pleasant way, being happy, loving ourselves and others, because if we are well this will be reflected in our life and in those around us.

If we care about being well and happy, we can help others too, let us make the most of what we have and work calmly for what is missing, living one day at a time, without despairing.

We are blessed, if we have God, we have the Holy Spirit and this gives us strength and helps us to understand every situation in our life, to endure the sorrows while they last and to know that they are there only to make us better people and to depend completely on God.

The trials or difficult moments are not to stay there, not to make us sad, and much less to make us suffer, they are so that through our faith we can overcome and grow, take roots worthy of a child of God, and know the true happiness, that which leads us to live fully.

A man in the bible who always urges us to delight regardless of the circumstances is the apostle Paul, when we feel pain we should not delight in it, what we should do is to repeat over and over again the word of God, because the joy of God is not an emotion but comes from the Spirit, so it can flood us even though we are going through a setback.

What happens with us most of the times is that we want to take refuge in pain, we want to feed it, and so without realizing it we get used to suffer and we make it a normal practice in our life, when we can be happy taking refuge in the Lord's doing coming from his Holy Spirit.

We are human and it is normal to be sad when we go through difficult times, but we must make use of the word of God, believe and trust, do not integrate with sadness or give your hand to suffering, when God offers you a life of opportunities, love and joy in fullness and in his presence.


With God, there is always joy. Thanks for sharing.

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