Spiritual And Physical Health

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

Everyone today wants to live in an extraordinary way, and we are not only talking about money, but many today are concerned about taking care of their body, enjoying good physical health, this type of movement has grown in recent years.

Enjoying good health is a joy, but for this we must live a life without agitation, without worries and very, very important to live in harmony and tranquility.

We must meditate on everything we do and it is convenient for us, both the spiritual and the physical part, meditating on the word of God day and night makes our path prosper and doing it also for our physical well-being will keep us in shape.

When you meditate on the word you connect with God, this connection will also allow you to be with nature, you will feel strengthened and grateful. The bible tells us that the word of God is medicine to the body and refreshment for our bones.

Have you ever wondered if your faith or your spirituality has an impact on your health?

"Sporadic news reports feature someone who has experienced a profound medical miracle, such as the disappearance of the disease that reportedly led Mother Teresa to holiness."
However, these profound miracles do not happen to ordinary people. What happens then with everyday spirituality? Can it be equally healing?
In an article published in 2003 by the Journal of the American Psychologist entitled "Religion and Spirituality: Links to Physical Health," the authors present evidence linking religion or spirituality in relation to mortality, disability, or recovery from a physical health. disease."

An important point for your physical well-being is the diet that you take, we must learn to eat depending on our metabolism, our body, there is something that you can eat and others that not, do not think that you will have restrictions if not in the benefits that you will obtain if you take care of yourself, there are those who always look for excuses not to change their diet, but you must understand that if you want to eat correctly you must change some habits.


In Romans 12: 1-2 it says;
“So, brothers, I beg you by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God, which is your rational worship. 2 Do not conform to this age, but transform yourselves by means of the renewal of your understanding, so that you may see what is the good will of God, agreeable and perfect.Romans 12: 1-2
Our physical body must be active, in movement, and for this we must exercise, leisure does not contribute anything to our lives, rather it makes us incur things without benefits.

We also need rest, this does not mean leisure, but neither can we subdue our body more than it can bear, we need physical and spiritual rest, you must rest, sleep well, take care of your body and your mind.

You must keep your body healthy, your mind fresh, your emotional and spiritual health, this will balance your life.
To maintain spiritual rest you must maintain your trust in God, not worry but rather occupy yourself, not take things to heart, or worry, but there is Oz and tranquility in your heart, take care of your physical body, your spiritual health and your emotional health and you will live a beautifully calm and happy life.

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