Beliefs That Take us Away From The Purpose.

in HeartChurch3 years ago


When someone has a life purpose, who knows it, lives it, fights and strives every day to make it real, and goes hand in hand with God, there are also many things, situations and people who rise up against that fulfillment, simply because you are a chosen one who goes in search of the fulfillment of his purpose.

When we are on this path, there will also come a time when it seems that we get stuck, either due to wrong decisions, due to a necessary process or any other type of situation. But what very few speak or say is that also due to certain beliefs that we carry and that we do not allow God to transform our mind we get stuck.

Formations that we received perhaps at home, family beliefs, some type of advice from a mentor, which was not the right one for us, there are many reasons why we could bring those types of beliefs rooted in our minds and hearts, and the truth is that usually do a lot of damage and become impediments to achieving what we are looking for.

For example, once I met a fisherman, he made enough money to live well, but he still lived in a house on the shore of the beach without any kind of comfort and everything he did was spent that same day on liquor, food, or any other craving. . He thought that he should continue living as they did in his family, which had all been fishermen. Although he had the finances to transform his way of life, he did not do it, he brought a way of living rooted as everyone in his family had done.

This is how it happens with us many times, patterns, customs, bad habits and beliefs, which take us away from the purpose and although we walk in search of it, we do not reach it because our mind has not been transformed.
When you know your purpose and decide to go after it, the first thing to do is allow God to transform our minds so that our hearts can also be transformed.

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