Your Believe Your Vision Your future

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)



If God has not spoken, don't believe. God's words needs to first of all come to you, then you hold it as a receipt. You need to hear from God before you run. The most difficult aspect of faith is the hearing. Sit down till He speaks. Faith is not believing randomly. You begin to claim when God has already spoken to you. The exception is only on general promises God has promised His children.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick. You must learn to sit down and secure the word of God. You must be able to download ministrations from God. Receive the word of God personally for yourself. He first thing that needs to happen as a believer is to begin to receive the word of God. The first element of faith is the word. What has the Lord spoken? What sustains you is what God has spoken to you. Learn to receive a word from the Lord.

How do you build your FAITH?

Faith comes by hearing. To build a massive structure, you need a plan. When God's word comes to you, the next thing is patience. Your faith increases when God's promises to you increases. For faith to develop, you must be a person that dwells in God's secret place.

Matthew 7:20-23 The gate is important, God needs men at the gate. It was at that same gate that he refused to bow to Haman. Even after he was rewarded by the King, he still returned to the gate. Wherever God has called you, remain there.

There are two walks in the Christian walk.

1. Walking in love and Doing the works of God.

2. Find out what God wants to do with your life.

It may not be something that will announce you. Whatsoever the Lord has defined you to be, be there.

Find what is written concerning you in the volume of books. You must be able to receive the word of God personally. You should have rest wherever God has placed you. Find what the Lord wants you to do in this Kingdom. We are all grown up to be useful in God's hands. You need to find direction. What will you have me do?

Your ability to say NO to things you need to say NO and YES to things you need to say YES is what makes you mature. Nobody is your God. Stay where the Lord called you. Your sweetness is in the assignment God has assigned into my hands. Know where God has placed you so you begin to build capacity.

Find what the Lord wants you to do and pursue it. That's where your wife/man will meet you; that's where you get cars and everything that you need in life. If you want to be a Kingdom man, you must be Kingdom minded. If you are in the center of the will of God for your life, you pray less.
When you're not doing what God wants you to do, you should not think of Marriage. Work for God and He will work for you. Do what He asks you to do. Find the field of assignment where God has given you and work there. Do not listen to side talks when the Lord is given you direction.

Never you work without having a head over you. Make sure you are submitting to a head over you. When trying to move from a church, you must be submitting to another authority over you. Find God's purpose for your life and begin to labor towards that direction. It's easier to rise when you're in the will of God for your life.

 3 years ago (edited)

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