The first marital problem in the history of mankind

in HeartChurch3 years ago

When God confronted Adam about his sin, the latter accused his wife: "The woman you gave me as a companion gave me that fruit, and I ate it" (Genesis 3:12). When God went to Eve to find out the other version of what happened, he did not get too different an answer. She cursed the surroundings and the circumstances. “God, you can't hold me responsible for this. The snake tricked me. Damn her! ”.

This whole sordid scene reflects a horrible but highly vivid image of selfishness in action. It reveals two people who give in to temptation, sin against God and each other, and then cover themselves up. All in an attempt to avoid accepting the guilt and consequences of your sin. The husband blamed God and his wife, while the wife blamed circumstances.

Is it familiar to you?

As a consequence, the marvelous marriage relationship that God had designed as a perfect union that would benefit both man and woman and glorify Him, failed as it fell into a bitter exchange of accusations and recriminations.

From then on, things were never the same.

Imagen source


So true. It wouldn't be like that if sin hadn't emerged in the first place( no forbidden fruit eaten). The blame game only started when sin had already set in and they all felt they didn't have a hand in any of what happened which wasn't the case. This portrays sin. And it has been going on till now. It's up us to call on God in our marriages so that everything will be at peace at all times because without God in the family, it's just like helpless lambs exposed to some hungry wolves(the devil and his companions)

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