If you can do it ..... (20% to @HeartChurch)

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go ahead of him to the other shore, while he dismissed the crowd.
23 When he dismissed the crowd, he went up the mountain to pray separately; and when night came, he was there alone.
24 And already the boat was in the middle of the sea, lashed by the waves; because the wind was contrary.
25 But at the fourth watch of the night, Jesus approached them walking on the sea.
26 And the disciples, seeing him walk on the sea, were amazed and said: A ghost! And they screamed in fear.
27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying: Courage; I am, fear not!
28 Then Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.
29 And he said, Come. And Peter, getting out of the boat, walked on the water to go to Jesus. Matthew 14: 22-29

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If I have asked God for something, it is to help me to be a woman of faith. I understand that for God everything is possible. All things were made by Him and by His divine will they exist.
God is the creator of the universe, to which all things are subject to Him and even natural phenomena are subject to God because God is the creator of all nature that covers the earth.

God is Almighty, which indicates that the universe is sustained because it is in the palms of the Lord's hands.

Jesus watched from the mountain where he was praying, how the hurricane winds shook the boat where his disciples were going, which motivated the Lord to hurry and walk on the waters of the sea to get to where they were.

Walking on water for the human mind is hard to believe, however, Jesus was walking on water and when the disciples saw him they thought he was a ghost. The Lord to calm him, told them to be encouraged and not to be afraid, because he was his teacher.

When Peter heard that it was Jesus and saw him walking on the sea, he asked the teacher to allow him to walk on the sea as well. Jesus said to him: Come, Peter, and immediately Peter began to walk on the water.

Everything is an act of faith, you have to believe God and do the things that He does. Jesus encouraged Peter, saying, "If you can do it!" When we put faith in the Lord, we are sure to accomplish great things. When Peter saw the storm coming toward him, he took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink.

If we take our eyes off Jesus, surely we will not be able to do the things that He does.

Put your faith in the Lord and tell his spirit, "Yes, I can do it."
Do not forget that in God everything is possible, if we can believe.

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