Foundation on which Christian marriages must be built.

in HeartChurch3 years ago

If we evaluate human behavior and the principles that today's society assumes for marriage, we would enter a great panorama of confusion, as the man pretends to try to impose his wishes to seek unity as a couple.

Today's society speaks and claims its rights to equality and its claims to impose its wishes above what is really established in divine law.

The most developed societies have handled the criterion of marriage of the same gender and approach it as something common and that should be accepted as normal in society.

If the current society maintains this criterion, the human race would enter a decline in values ​​and principles, and in turn, the same extinction of the human race, because in gender-equal marriage there can be no reproduction and multiplication of the human race.

Man in his depravity and perversion has tried to impose the disorder of his carnal desires and to impose on society something that is abomination in the eyes of God.

From the very beginning of creation, God established the rules for marriage and the form of reproduction and multiplication for the preservation of the human race. God's rule is one and as such is kept in his word, "the man will be united to his wife and the two will be one flesh."

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The principle of God is inviolable, whoever does the opposite commits an “abomination” and God himself will be in charge of establishing the judgment.

Christian marriage is sacred and is based on the word of God and is oriented towards fulfilling what God requires in the union of a man and a woman:

Have many children, fill the world and rule it ”(Genesis 1,26-28). And he adds that God created man and woman to be for each other: "That is why a man leaves his father and mother to join his wife, and the two become as one person" (Genesis 2.24).

There is no doubt that God established marriage, and therefore Christian spouses must follow God's plan. I emphasize this basic truth because this is the very foundation on which Christian marriages must be built.

 3 years ago 

Good insight you established here. Man has continually distancing themselves from the law of God on which their very existence is established. If we continue like this; negligence to God’s principles and orderliness may hurt mankind beyond their imagination.

Marriage should always be aligned in God’s given order and patten.

Thanks for sharing.

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