Be someone who motivates

in HeartChurch3 years ago

He gives effort to the weary, and multiplies strength to those who have none. Boys grow weary and tired, young men falter and fall; but those who wait for God will have new strength; they will lift wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not grow weary. Isaiah 40: 29-31.

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I am the type of woman that when someone is going through a bad time, I reach out and try to place my hand on their shoulder to encourage them and give them a word of encouragement to continue fighting in the midst of the adverse circumstance they face.

In life we ​​need people who motivate us beyond the trials we face. Everyone in life wants to be motivated and help us achieve our goal. However, there are situations where instead of receiving a word of encouragement, you feel like a sharp knife is being thrust into your heart.

Being someone who encourages another person is very important, since you do not know when it will be your time to receive an encouraging word from another person.

Don't become someone who always delivers bad news or a self-defeating person, who always sees the negative side of things. Always have a word of strength and encouragement for those who lean on you.

In these depressing times that we live is when we most have to encourage people to seek God and make them see that the only one who gives us the necessary strength to continue in life is God.

The Lord is the one who gives strength to those who are weary in life and multiplies strength to the weak. Let us help people to trust God and be bearers of the good news of salvation found in the word of God.

 3 years ago 

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