in HeartChurch3 years ago


Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding.’ Proverbs 3:13 NIV

Here are three reasons why we don't flourish as individuals:

(1) We believe it is solely based on personal knowledge. Believing that personal development is solely based on experience is akin to an archer firing arrows off-target and believing that he is learning merely by continuing to fire. Experience is only useful if you apply what you've learned and start achieving your goals. ‘Hell begins on the day God grants us a clear vision of all we might have achieved... the gifts we wasted... and all we might have done but didn't do,' said Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Gian Carlo Menotti. Don't look back on your past and mourn the time and chances you squandered. Start today by taking advantage of every opportunity God gives you to rise.

(2) We believe that knowledge is the sole source of progress. Have you ever met someone who was genius but never managed to do much for God, themselves, or anyone despite their brilliance? They're like an encyclopaedia full of information that's never used and therefore has little meaning. The biggest impediment to personal development is not arrogance, but rather the delusion of intelligence! ‘Be... doers of the word, not just hearers,' says the Bible. (KJV James 1:22)

(3) We take growth for granted. Development comes easily to us as infants. Parents, coaches, and teachers push us to improve on a regular basis during that period, so we become used to it. The issue arises when we leave school and no one encourages us to learn or progress. The cost of ignorance and inflation is often less than the cost of progress. And the fact is, if you don't take charge of your personal growth, it won't happen!

May God help us all. I will continue from here next time @ayoyemi

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