in HeartChurch3 years ago

WhatsApp Image 2021-03-28 at 8.38.10 PM.jpeg

Hello great people of this community, I shared with you a message I preached some time ago.
Jesus wanted the self-righteous Pharisees to understand that God loves both good and bad people. So He told them a parable Luke 15:11-32
This is the story
A certain farmer had two sons. One day the younger son asked his father for his inheritance money. So the father gave both sons their share of the wealth.
Thrilled with the riches, the younger son rushed off to a far country. There he spent his money recklessly on wild parties with lots of friends. But one day because his money was gone.

The only job the son could find was feeding a farmer's pigs. He became so hungry that he would have eaten the pig feed the farmer had given it to him.

At last the son came to his senses. He said '" At home my father's servants have plenty to eat, but here I am starving. I will go home to my father and ask him for mercy...

Now according to the parable, the son did realized things were not normal for him. He needed a turn around in his life. He needed to put the shame aside and concentrate on how to reach the father. He was hungry, but a severe famine had made food scarce. Now he was just a poor beggar.

The son accessed himself well and find fault.
The question we need to ask ourselves now is that.
At what point in our lives do we need a turn around? Can we be sorry of the sins we've done?
Sometimes we feel so ashamed to surrender to our guilts. We often times think our sins are so hard that the father can forgive us?
Now Let's look at what the father did.
The parable continues to say that , The father saw the son afar, He met him and Kissed Him and asked this servants to prepare him a good meal. he said to them "For my son was Lost and Now He is found''.
What a happy moment will that be. The older son was quite disturbed about His father actions and was very furious. He said for my father has never prepare him such a good meal before.
Some of us are like that. We are sometimes jealous of our fellow brothers. He was with his father but His mind was far away from salvation. We can be serious with church activities but our hearts will be far away from Christ Jesus.
The story to me has 2 lesson in there.
The son who repented of his actions and the the son Who was with the father but jealousy has fills the heart.
This is why we need to take the story very serious.
God is ever ready to save that soul who makes a quick return to him.

I pray tonight that our lives will be transform with this parable. t
Don't feel ashamed, focus on the reward ahead and you shall surely get there.
God bless you.
This is @awuahbenjamin from Ghana.
Special Thanks to @sniffnscurry @steemcurator01, and @booming04 for the immense support for this community.



Please what church is that?

Seventh Day Adventist church.

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