in HeartChurch4 years ago

CREDIT: www.azquotes.com


You may really not be sounding realistic, if you expect the “wind” to always blow in alignment with your expected results. There is no such assurance for you in God’s Word. What we see clearly in Scriptures is this – “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all” (Psalm 34:19).

Afflictions are things that come to oppose your divinely attested goals in life and the Bible says that they are many. The magnitude notwithstanding, God has promised to deliver you fromevery one of them. It doesn’t matter how divinely ordained your path is; it is certain that contrary winds will blow. The disciples of Jesus did not embark on a self willed kind of a journey. They were actually constrained by Jesus to get into the ship to go ahead of Him to the other side of the sea. It was in the course of their journey that they encountered the angry waves.

No matter how divinely your path is in life; contrary winds will seek to show up at one point or the other. When it comes; it is not coming by surprise but as expected and heaven expects you to confront the wind and proclaim your divinely apportioned victory in Christ. The Bible says in Romans 8:37 –

“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us”.

CREDIT: windy.app

If He loved us and gave Himself for us; then, there is no level of victory that He cannot secure for us. Contrary winds blow; it doesn’t mean you are out of God’s will or because you have sinned. The truth that there is something of God in it, is enough reason for the devil to oppose it. When the serpent moved subtly to tempt Eve in the garden of Eden; what do you call that? Contrary wind of course! Everything the serpent sought for Eve was contrary to what God told man and contrary to God’s plan for mankind.

The same thing played out when Jesus was born and Herod sought to kill all male children born to the Jews within a specified age bracket. It was all about the devil seeking to oppose the redemptive plan of God. if the devil can move against God’s plans and purposes; then, he isn’t going to spare you. No matter how he comes; the good thing is that he can never spoil the plans of God for your life.

You are going to have it as God has told you. when the winds become contrary, be of good cheer. It is no news; you already know. Recognize the Lord in the storm, He is in it with you. He has promised never to leave you nor forsake you. Don’t be afraid, God is still God! with Jesus in your vessel, you will smile at the storm.

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