The love of God

in HeartChurch3 years ago


LOVE is a strong or constant affection for someone or group of people.The love of God for His people is unmeasurable. God is love and bundle of love. We see that in Bible (JOHN 3:16) ''For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Look at that version again ''For God so loved the world that He gave......" . A very good property of love is GIVING . When you give,it is a sign that you have loved. God demonstrated that by giving His son . Jesus Christ also showed love by giving His life on the cross. The scripture says in ( JOHN 15:13) '' Greater love has no one than this,than lay down one's life for His friends"....( Revised standard version).
Give money, time, property and whatever good to the less privilege. Let's us love one another. Bible says let all your things be done with charity; your relationship, your interaction, your communication.
The commandment of God centers on love . Out of love God brought His commandment to the people of Israel through Moses in the Mount Sinai ,on the top of Mountain ( Exodus 19:18-25). Even the new testament in JOHN 13:34 ''A new commandment I give you unto you that you love one another as I have loved you , that you also love one another. Let's think about this. Let's practice love towards everyone around us.



  With love,we get ETERNAL LIFE . In the Holy Bible ( Mark 10: 17) if we read down, we will see how a man came running, knelt before Jesus asking Him what to do in order to inherit eternal life. In verse 21 of it, Jesus looked at him,loved him and said to him one thing is remaining ; go your way, sell whatever you have and give it to the poor and you  shall have treasure in Heaven and come take up the cross and follow me". In this world, it is hard to find a rich that can empty himself or herself for the poor or needy .  The man that came to Jesus as the Bible recorded was a great man in society,he was naturally sad went away grieved for he had great possessions.
When one practice this, people will feel comfortable if they share their problems with you. As the mother plays with the child , the child is excited and he keeps laughing. There is joy in his heart because he is loved. What makes family a happy place is love. You see birds (🐦🐦) jumping from one branch of the tree (🌲 ) to another because there is excitement of love from their creator.
 He that loves is born of God and has the nature of God . He that doesn't love doesn't know Him . 


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