in SteemitCryptoAcademy4 years ago

Hi friends, I am glad to participate in week-5 cryptoacademy lectures and homework task by @sapwood. This lecture was not just very impactful but educating. I was able to know more as it affects the timing and age of post and rewards accrued to each as it affects author and curator rewards. I've ignorantly curated on posts without being detailed and taking some of this parameters into consideration.

Anyway, without wasting much of our time, I will want to go into details for this week homework.

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What will happen if you vote before "5 mins age of a post" & after "6 days 12 hrs age of post" in Steem Blockchain? (Include your own experiences/Examples)

Just as we were lectured, curation is directly proportional to the time and age of any post. The time zone determines the weight and reward that any curator enjoys during voting. The best of times to get 100% rewards for curation done on a post should be between after 5mins and before 6days 12hrs. This time zone for curation on a post guarantees 100% reward. Rewards get to their maturity time after every 7days of age which are now shared at the ratio of 50:50 for both parties (Author: [the content writer] / Curator: [the voter] ). That is to say if a post pays out $50, an equal amount goes to both the Curator and author in same ratio of $25 each.

Just illustrated above, it is different for Curators who curate on post before 5mins of age and after 6days 12hrs of age too. The Curator's reward is porrated on a percentage basis depending on the said minute which curation took place. For example, the percentage rewards increases from 0 - 4:59mins and decreases after 6days 12hrs to the 7th day.

(*My Curation activities for posts age 5+mins)

Though, I curated without knowing this differences in the age of post and percentage rewards, I was still able to curate above 5mins and before 6day 12hrs.


How do I check how much reward of a post has returned to the reward pool in Steem Blockchain? Include screenshots (Hint-

One of the major link of a Post's reward returning to the reward pool is either caused by early voting/Curation (curating when a vote is less than 5mins of age) or late voting Curation/voting (curating when a vote is 6days 12hrs of age).

  • When you open the, quickly click on the POST icon and also on any of your active posts as indicated in image below.

(Screenshot on how to check returned vote)

As soon as you click on the selected post, you can a drop down with a detailed specification on how the post account looks like. In this specification is also the Returned rewards as indicated in above image.

(Screenshot on how to check returned vote)


Under what circumstances a curator can earn more than 100% upvote value as curation rewards?

A curator is entitled to 100% upvote value as Curation reward when the Curator places the first upvote value on a post after 5mins of post age. This is also authenticated and guaranteed when the value of the said post is on $0 value. With this, a Curator can earn 100% or more reward on a post.

Using the illustration from @sapwood, Kindly see below for further details;

P0 = is Post payout before any Votes (0$).
P1 = is Post payout after the first upvote.
P7 = is Post payout after 7 days.
Pcurator = is Post curators reward.

When a Curator is the first to upvote a post after 5mins of post age with $16 when post value is at $0,
Therefore P0 = $16
And assuming P7 = $100

Therefore using this mathematical equation as given by @sapwood for this task;
(*Pcurator = (½) x (√P7) X (√P0-√0))

So, Pcurator = (½) x (√100) x (√16-√0) = 20

This simply shows that the Curator got even more than a 100% for his curation reward. This shows 125% reward value


Pick any random post you have voted in Steem Blockchain and indicate the time and position of your voting, what is the projected curation reward? (Include relevant Screenshots) (Hint-

This can be seen from the interface. When you log in, kindly scroll down to the bottom where you have this icon "Coming Reward"

(Screenshot on Curation reward tracker)

Since we are talking about voting/Curation, you will have to click on the "Curation reward", then on "Refresh" icon.

(Screenshot showing time, weight , expected Curation reward)

Time of vote: 26mins 21 secs
Voting weight: 100%
Amount upvote: 0.04$
Efficiency: 24.58%
Expected reward: 0.122


To ascertain the position of my voting, kindly click on the button icon by the left side of the image. This will pop another image on the screen as also seen too.


What is the role of curation in better content discovery in Steem Blockchain?

Basically, curation simply enhances content discovery which helps curators to engage in different content verifications before upvoting, which directly sends a positive recommendation to other community users.

This is the process of Curation that leads to upvoting:

  • He goes through a post and reads it.
  • If it is meaningful and impactful, it brings satisfaction to him.
  • since it is of quality and value, it is certain it won't be harmful.
  • Check if the content in question is plagiarised, and if not, he upvotes immediately.
    (Upvoting a post puts it in the trending spot hence, makes it more visible and reachable to a larger audience.

This homework seem to be the best practical HOMEWORK I've ever done since my participation in crypto-academy lectures. It was engaging band impactful.
Thanks @sapwood, this is my entry for homework week-5 lectures.



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