Steemit Crypto Academy- Steem Blockchain(Convergent Linear Reward)- Week 6 ||Lecture by professor @sapwood|| Homework done by @xkool24||

in SteemitCryptoAcademy4 years ago

Hi friends, I'm here again to participate in this weeks Lectures and Homework task.


Homework Task1

(1) What are the economic & social ramifications of self-upvote in Steem Blockchain? Do you gain better curation rewards by upvoting others as compared to self-upvote? (Include real examples)

The Economic & Social Ramifications in the steem Blockchain

There was this irregular behaviour from steemit users who resorted to self upvote. This was perceived as an unhealthy social behaviour with economic impact on the reward pool of the blockchain (seen as cheat). This unhealthy behaviour did not promote or support quality contents from authors/ bloggers rather less content posts were seen to thrive more in the community because those users do not curate appropriately.

When user A with $20 VP keeps placing self upvote, leaving user B & C with $0.001 VP to their fate in getting any curation close to $0.1 value, this discourages and demoralises this users with little influence in the community. And this might lead to signing off or become inactive in the shortest possible time.

This activity also was seen to have economical impact on the steem blockchain by devaluing and reaping off from the system inappropriately without even distribution of upvotes.

Homework TASK-2

(2) What is the difference between isolated judgment and community judgment in curation? How do you adapt to community judgment on quality content in Steem Blockchain? Does that bring economic incentive for you? If yes, explain with real examples, (include screenshots and compare them with your isolated judgment)?

I have to read this post severally to enable me decode what exactly is isolated and community judgement . This is my own submission below.

Isolated judgement simple means curation done without the full attention and confirmation of the community judgement. When an individual Curates a post without the Community consensus to, the post barely do not attract good post rewards.

But isolated judgment can also be seen to be converted into Community judgement when individual Curators reach out an agreement with the community to curate an already discovered Quality post. On the other hand, Community judgement entails curating on a good post that have the acceptance of a wider part of the Community with potentials of getting better post rewards.

How do you adapt to community judgment on quality content in Steem Blockchain?

As a newbie in the Steem Blockchain, I may not have all the expertise to know when to curate and enjoy early upvote advantage, how to detect and judge a Quality post; so I will adapt to community judgement on steem blockchain by carefully and tactically following whatever that is trending in the community, and where majority of the Community are curating for better post reward.

Does that bring economic incentive for you?
Yes, if properly followed as indicated in the adaptiveness.

My voting power from is set at $0.03 for now based on the available resources.
I am trying to illustrate upvote in an isolated judgement and Community judgement.

Isolated judgement

before upvote

After upvote

Checking Curation value
(Upvote value is $0.03, 15hrs of post age)

Pcurator= (½) * (√PT) * (√P1-√P0) Δt

PT= Post Payout at the end of 7 days
P0= Post Payout before voting
P1= Post Payout after voting

P0= 0.32
P1= 0.35
PT= 0.35

Δt= 1 , as i have voted after 5 mins.

=> Pcurator= (½) * (√0.35) * (√0.35-√0.32)= $0.007
Curation reward= $0.007

Calculated Curation value is far below the value curated on this post.

I will be trying another post with Community judgement this time. A post with good quality and reward value. I will be using the same resources as seen above.

before upvote

After upvote

Checking Curation value

(Upvote value is $0.05, 3hrs of post age)

Pcurator= (½) * (√PT) * (√P1-√P0) Δt

PT= Post Payout at the end of 7 days
P0= Post Payout before voting
P1= Post Payout after voting

P0= $41.60
P1= $41.65
PT= $41.65

Δt= 1 , as i have voted after 5 mins.

=> Pcurator= (½) * (√41.60) * (√41.65-√41.60)= $0.013
Curation reward= $0.013

Calculated Curation value is far below the value curated on this post.
I also noticed that while using the same resources on those two different posts while placing an upvote, the one with a good post rewards gave me $0.05 higher than the latter without a good post reward with $0.03.

Homework TASK-3

(3) Go to, check your Upvote value( at the current SP, VP). Take a screenshot. Then go to the Steemit trending page, find a post with a payout of more than $10 but less than $50(Age less than 6 Days 12 hrs). Upvote it. Take screenshots before and after upvote. Similarly, go to another post on the Trending page, find a post with a payout of more than $100( Age less than 6 Days 12 Hrs). Upvote it. Take screenshots before and after upvote. Tell the differences between the two. Which one has produced a greater Upvote value & Curation reward for you with the same resources(SP, VP)? Explain?

Upvote value
(Screenshot of my upvote value)
This is the screenshot showing the upvote value of my steemit account. At 100% VP, it has a value of $0.04.

Payout of more than $10 but less than $50(Age less than 6 Days 12 hrs).

(Post before upvote)

(Post after upvote)

Post with a payout of more than $100( Age less than 6 Days 12 Hrs)

(Post before upvote)

(Post after upvote)

Payout of more than $10 but less than $50(Age less than 6 Days 12 hrs).


Post before voting= $30.00
Post after voting= $30.11
Difference= $0.11
Implication: This means the community judgement has a value of $0.11 which is 2.75times higher than the isolation judgement of $0.04 (Considering working with the same resources )


Pcurator= (½) * (√PT) * (√P1-√P0) Δt

PT= Post Payout at the end of 7 days
P0= Post Payout before voting
P1= Post Payout after voting

P0= 30.00
P1= 30.11
PT= 30.11

Δt= 1 , as i have voted after 5 mins.

=> Pcurator= (½) * (√30.11) * (√30.11-√30.00)= $0.027
Curation reward= $0.027

Post with a payout of more than $100( Age less than 6 Days 12 Hrs)


Post before voting= $312.56
Post after voting= $313.27
Difference= $0.71

Implication: The upvote value difference is seen to be higher than what was captured from VP. This simply means the community judgement has a value of $0.71 which is 17.75times higher than the isolation judgement of $0.04 (Considering working with the same resources )


Pcurator= (½) * (√PT) * (√P1-√P0) Δt

PT= Post Payout at the end of 7 days
P0= Post Payout before voting
P1= Post Payout after voting

P0= 312.56
P1= 313.27
PT= 313.27

Δt= 1 , as i have voted after 5 mins.

=> Pcurator= (½) * (√313.27) * (√313.27-√312.56)= $0.17
Curation reward= $0.17

This is my entry for week-6 homework task, professor @sapwood



Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.027
BTC 59944.92
ETH 2307.28
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.48