Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2: Week8 | HASHGRAPH TECHNOLOGY, by @ pelon53 //Homework done by @xkool24

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

Hello friends, It nice participating in this weeks Lecture by Prof @pelon53 on HASHGRAPH TECHNOLOGY and Homework task. This happens to be last task before the 2weeks break. Will be giving it my best shot to enable me end well as requested.

Explain in detail the Gossip protocol, used in Hashgraph.

The Gossip protocol is a consensus algorithm seen in the Hashgraph used in distributing information between different nodes available in its network. The Gossip protocol is basically a protocol that enhances highly efficient, guarantees a highly secured and promotes low latency distributed communication system which may be seen in peer-2-peer network. Communication protocols are seen to use the gossip protocols to precipitate data on the P2P platform which enhances the various nodes connected in the network in sharing and disclosing information more faster and efficiently amongst self.

It derived it name (Gossip) from the way the information is distributed quickly amongst all concerned nodes in the networks. In this regards, they have been several variations seen to emerged from this protocol depending on what form or usage needs required for it. How the gossip protocol works is very simple and basic to its protocols. It has a ideology of distributing and propagating information and data across the network. For instance, each Node is seen to be attached to another Node randomly and within the network. When information gets to the Node X, if it was paired randomly with Node Y, it quickly distribute information received from Node X to Node Y. While Node Y also quickly distribute to another Node (Maybe Node G, if randomly paired with it), which is seen to distribute same information from Node Y to Node G.

This process happens in a quick and fast manner until all the Nodes in the network gets this debrief in both a timely and efficient manner. This random pairing seen amongst nodes are done in such a way that information are not repeated or already redistributed nodes privy of the information. That is to say, it works basically on the probability concept to distribute information.

The gossip protocol will continue to be efficient and fast in propagating and distributing information in the network as far as there are no discrimination and any form of exclusion of any of the existing nodes in the network. Most importantly there maybe cases where nodes can be excluded from receiving information which is when a node is heavily infected with malware. And so far less than one third (1/3) of the nodes are affected hitherto, there would be a continuous transaction to the later.

The Objectives for putting up the gossip protocol to help move information as fast as possible through the network but with a process that helps an effective communication within the peers. This protocol that allows the fast and quick movement of information across all node has made it possible to reduce attacks and hacks during transaction.

In same line, the Gossip Protocol is seen in Different Types which include;

  • Broadcast Protocol: Distribution of information in this category operates under a group leaving the involved nodes under constant communication.
  • Aggregation Protocol : Information are received in this category and distributed to other peers in the network without delay. In this protocol type, the information distribution mechanism is seen to keep store of all processed data.

Advantages of Gossip protocol

  • It is highly scalable which is seen from its highly efficient level of performance delivery with 10,000 TPS.
  • Shows high level of Sturdiness in its operations where failure of one nodes does not affect the functionality of other nodes in the network.
  • Shows some appreciable level of fault tolerance where it exhibits some ability to operate just correctly due to its efficiency in sharing and distributing information within the multiple nodes in the network. This may be seen in its use of Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance.
  • Just like the blockchain protocol, the Gossip protocol is decentralized in nature

Gossip Protocol Application In Use

  • Bitcoin: Uses this protocol in to distribute nonce in each of its mining nodes
  • Hashgraph: Uses this protocol in the distribution of information between the different nodes or peers in the network.
  • Apache Cassandra: Activates the propagation of metadata in its network.
  • Ripples: Used in sharing the status and properties that is propelled by a constant up to date of its nodes in all of its database
  • Dymano: Used in updating and keep track of all membership seen its network.

Explain Byzantine Fault Tolerance in Hashgraph

Just like I pointed in the advantages of using the Gossip Protocol where *" it shows some appreciable level of fault tolerance where it exhibits some ability to operate just correctly due to its efficiency in sharing and distributing information within the multiple nodes in the network. This may be seen in its use of Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance". In this case the Byzantine fault is simply a situation where failure of one of the nodes may not be identifiable by other functional nodes. So when we see that Hashgraph is Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerant, it simply brings to our mind that a transaction in this protocol can only be verified when there are consensus within the different nodes in the network. And this is guaranteed when a less than 1/3 of the total nodes are malicious, hence having an over a 2/3 of the nodes reaching a consensus to validate a transaction.

The Asynchronous Byzantine Fault tolerance seen in the Hashgraph is always regarded as the strongest in the Byzantine series with its capacity to reach a consensus even with the activities of malicious nodes taking over the network space. Having said this, the Asynchronous Byzantine Fault tolerance ensures that a consensus is reached before validation of a transaction is carried and the information about this consensus also made known for clarity purposes.

Make a comparison between Hashgraph Vs Blockchain, for a voting process in your country. Which Technology would you choose? why?

Comparison Between the Hashgraph & Blockchain
Comparison seen between this two protocols are basically seen in their overall performance;

  • The Speed of handling transaction in the Hashgraph is seen to be alot faster with a 10,000 TPS without any form of delay in validating transaction, whereas in the Blockchain this figure is alot lower when compared. This may be attributed to the algorithm in use in both cases which sees the gossip protocol much faster than the PoW or PoS.
  • Also in its scalability indices, the Hashgraph is seen to carry alot much higher transactions without any form of delay in validation at a given time and with capacity seen for expansion whereas the blockchain are limited in this capacity as most often transactions are delayed due to miners response rate.
  • There are no activities of miners activities seen in the validation of transaction in the Hashgraph whereas this is the sole dependent variable seen in the blockchain protocol.
  • High security and safety of assets are seen to be more in the Hashgraph protocol given to the speed of transaction which reduces the malicious attack with more larger nodes receiving distributed information at ago time which makes it harder to alter. This is seen to be limited in the the blockchain though there are still good safety assured.
  • The last one here is the efficiency seen in all of its processes. The existence of blocks has been a source of concern to the blockchain due to the block intervals that needed to be completed before the next transaction is validated. This is not obtainable in the Hashgraph which makes it alot efficient in all of its process as events are recorded and distributed in the network securely.

My Voting Choice In my Country and Why
In my Country with over 200million citizens with Registered voters of over 57million, the Hashgraph with such a huge scalability and speed is a YES YES for the country's teaming population to handle. The electoral system before now has suffered alot of crises ranging from malpractices seen in carrying of voter boxes, altering of electioneering results, and other form of distrust seen. The Hashgraph is seen to operate with the Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance which happens to be the strongest protocol in the the Byzantine Fault Tolerance. That is to say it has the capacity to successfully to reach a consensus and hence verify and validate a transaction. For any hacker or malicious malware to hurt the process, it has to all attack the different available nodes in the network at same time which is mission impossible.

Using this Voting protocol in my country also makes the after voting electioneering saga of counting votes for days which keeps all parties tense ameliorated. The Hashgraph has the capacity to validate 10,000 votes cast every second, which means that 600,000 votes can be be verified and validated in a 60secs. I think this does not only bring about the speed to the process, but fairness, trust and inclusiveness to all participants.

Explore Hedera Hashgraph. Show screenshots.

The Inherit Hashgraph is the official and authorized distributed consensus platform that is built with the Hashgraph consensus mechanism which guarantees speed, efficiency and safety of transactions in its network. Knowing that the Hashgraph technology is one that comes with the Asynchronous BFT which is the strongest in the BFT and continuously assures of consensus are reached which is tailored towards validating transaction.
I will be showing us screenshots as i explore the Hedera Hashgraph.

  • Login with
  • Click on the three (3) parallel lines on the top left screen of your device



  • it gives you a display of the following items:
    a. Network
    b. Devs
    c. Use cases
    d. HBAR
    e. Governance
    f. About


The Network option gives the user the opportunity to have the Hedera Token service. This enable the user to configure, mint, and manage native fungible and non-fungible tokens on the Hedera network without needing to deploy a smart contract. On there hand the CONSENSUS SERVICE allows for a Verifiable timestamps and ordering of events for any application or permissioned blockchain framework.


In the Devs option we have the DOCS; which helps us to Learn core concepts and review the API. We also have the SDK where we are at liberty to find out favorite language.


Under the Use Cases we have the following;

  • PAYMENTS: Has potentials to reduce cost and unlock new revenue.
  • TOKENIZED ASSETS: Ability to Manage and swap assets like never before.
  • FRAUD MITIGATION: Reduce costs and protect customers.
  • IDENTITY: Maintain the lifecycle of credentials.
  • DATA COMPLIANCE: Log and publicly verify actions.
  • PERMISSIONED BLOCKCHAIN: it encourages users to Create private ledger with public trust.


For the HBAR option we have the following;

  • OVERVIEW: to Learn about Hedera's cryptocurrency, HBAR.
  • ACCOUNT CREATION: Instantly create a new Hedera mainnet account.
  • WALLETS & EXCHANGES: Find HBAR supported wallets and exchanges.

The Governance tells us the build up found in the Hedera.


Lastly the "*About"" option gives us a round down list of what we knew

***Thanks to everyone that read through my post now ***

This is my entry Prof @pelon53


Gracias por participar en Steemit Crypto Academy:

Buen trabajo, faltaron las conclusiones finales.

Espero seguir leyendo tus publicaciones.

Escala de Estimación.Puntaje.Observación
Protocolo Gossip.1.8Buena explicación.
Tolerancia a Fallas Bizantinas.1.8Buena explicación.
Hashgraph Vs Blockchain (proceso de votación).2.0Bien explicado.
Explore Hereda Hashgraph.1.7Exploró Hereda Hashgraph.
Originalidad0.5Su trabajo, pero no original
Presentación/cumplimiento de reglas.0.4Faltaron las conclusiones finales.

Calificación: 8.2

 3 years ago 

Thank you prof for the review

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