Crypto Academy Week 13 - Homework Post for [@yousafharoonkhan] Steemit Decentralized and Centralized Social Media

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Greetings to everyone.Its a pleasure partaking in this week's homework for @yousafharoonkhan based on Centralized and Decentralized social media .

Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms in your own words.Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization Social Media Platforms (answer should related Social Media Platforms .


Centralized social media platform is a type of platforms controlled by a leader ,body or a particular group of people, takes their decisions by ,putting in place their rules and regulations governing the platform without taking into consideration the opinions or need of other members on the platform .In this type of platforms accounts are freely created But there is a central body that monitors or controlled the activities of all the members in the platform. Also members of the platform are not freely allowed to write anything they want and published on the platform,If you go against the against the rules and regulations of the central body your account will be be blocked or suppended .Such centralized platforms are FACEBOOK, TWITTER, YOUTUBE.


It is a platform where all the members have their full rights to do what everthing they like without the controlled of any authority.e.g Steemit Here you create your account free,all your keys of the platform belong to you and is not disclosed to the third party. You write or published anything you want you want .Also your account can never be blocked by any body for what so ever reason,your account can not be easily hacked expect your disclosed your active key to members have their authority themselves.


1)Centralized social media is controlled by the central body while Decentralized social media members have their full right within themselves.

2)Centralized plaforms members accounts can be easily suspended or blocked while in Decentralized members accounts are not blocked or suspended and easily hacked

3)Centralized social media are highly populated ,popularly known and the level of communication or interaction is very high on the platform where as Decentralized social media are not popularity known in the world and has a small population in the platforms.

4)In the centralized social media the chances of making money through the platformis very limited where as with the Decentralized social chances of making money is high for example we have steemit here you can make alot of money if are ready to work hard ,partaking with equality content of post and also involved yourself in investing in the platform.

5)Decentralized platform is a block chain with open sources whereas centralized social media is not open to sources

6)Decentralized media highly encouraged personal or private communication between people around the world where as centralized social media doesn't encouraged personal or private communication in the platform e.g steemit

7)Decentralized social system there is no interference of the third party in activities where as centralized there is inferences of the third party such as Facebook, Twitter.

Which One is The Future of Social media ? Decentralized or centralized Social media.

From my own opinion decentalized social media is the future .Many people in the world are still ignorant of the existence of decentralized platforms and it benefits,Focusing more on decentralized social media,where they do have the freedom to to exploits the platforms and all their energy mostly goes for nothing with no reward ,at the end you will discovered that hardworking popularly know people in the platforms their accounts are later blocked , hacked or suspended for no go good reasons , frustrating them.All their energy wasted without no rewards or payment .

I will like to make it clear that when many people will discover decentralized platforms like steemit creating accounts,posting quality content ,attracting curators to give them better upvotes , after 7days you claimed your rewards in your wallet ,which will help you financially to better your living condition or to solved your problems . Most people will never
have timee to login on Facebook etc .People will focused more on decentralized platforms where they know their accounts can't be easy closed or suspended or controlled by any authority .from the above analysis you will come to realised together with me that decentralized social media holds the future.

Question no 3 :
How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook.

1)Facebook shares personal information about you in the platform which you can be easily implicated ,creating more awareness to scammers ,thieves to you harassed you ,such things are not encouraged or exist in steemit platform.

2)In steemit platformeverything is Transparent to all the members to see and read while while in Twitter some account created and protected can't permits you to read the content .

3)Steemit is better than Facebook,Twitter etc in that posting and writing equality content attracts the curators to upvote your post and after 7days you claimed your rewards in your wallet steem power,steem,SBD

4)Steemit is better than Facebook and Twitter because it has financially change the living conditions of many people and source of income to many people in the countries in the world.

5)steemit is better than Facebook and Twitter in that you create your accounts freely ,nobody access to controlled your account because your personal keys of the platform belong you and is not disclosed to the third party for any interference .once you obey by not disclosing your account keys you are free from hackers .

Question no 4 :
What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users?

Steemit as a social media platform has change the lives of people inthe world in the many ways

Firstly steemit has been a source of income to many people especially to unemployed people in the world without no stressed. When covid -19 started many people lost their their jobs due to restrictions of movements from place to another ,people were obliged to stay indoors in the house for months inorder not be victims of covid ,Those who discovered steemit or were already having an accounts ,made good used of it at home ,as a source of their income providing daily breads for their families and paying bills from the money gotten from steemit .

Secondly steemit has provided means of education to many youths world wide .I know of many people
for example in my county Cameroon whom have been schooling paying their school fees and providing their school need from the financial benefits gotten from steemit for over years now .

In addition steemit has broden the minds of people not only through financial benefits but also helps people to acquire knowledge inthe various communities on steemit I for one I have learned so many things in steem crypto academy community in which I was ignorant of it.

Also steemit is a source of income to many African countries e.g Cameroon ,Ghanna ,Cameroon etc and to other countries in the world China , Pakistan,India Venezuela, to better their living conditions , especially to countries experiencing political crisis and low rate of unemployment.

Steemit has really change the lives of people both the unemployment and employed, poor nor the rich has changed their life's through steemit

Question no 5 :
How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media.

.How can you make money with steemit Decentralized social media

There are many ways in making money through the steemit social media ,this will only depend to your Reasoning and giving out best onthe to earn money These ways of making money on steemit are

.Producing equality content or post . There are many communities in steemit but I choose my own communities that I know I can work with them or produce equality post e.g I partispate in steem -cameroon community based on diarygame ,your dialy activities ,how you spent your days and contest
When ever organised ,steem women community,steemfood ,steem church and lastly crypto academy ,all these communities above I produced equality content putting them at 50% attracting the steemcurators to give high upvote ,in which every 7days days I claimed my rewards in my wallet steem power ,SBD and steem ,I sell my SBD at anytime I want to , especially when Iam need
of money , I still have my steem power which I can power down into my steem and sell after 3weeks to have money that how I get my money on steemit or any other person in the platform can get it.

Another way of getting money through steemit is by investing on steemit or carrying out business transactions buying Steem and SBD when prices are low and selling it when it increases. That will give you money.

Question no 6 :
How to create communities on Steemit social media ( practicle step by step )
These are the following ways you can create a community on steemit platform by following these steps ,I will use my account to create , showing the steps with some screenshots taken from my phone .

Login into your steemit account and click steemit


Step:2 click at the right handside create community


STep:3 search on the list down and click on explore communities


Step:4 In put your community name and About
click next,saved the community passwords keys and click on create community


Step :5 confirmed by paying 3 steem either you wait for the admin to pay or can pay it if you have the 3steem click on OK


Step:6click ok to confirm your payment of 3steem, input your active account key sign-in to validate your payment


Step: 7 Your community is successfully created ,click on Get started

Step:8 click on post and start posting in the community


Cc: @yousafharoonkhan


One say that decentralized social media has a bigger place in the world in the nearest future than centralized social media ,even though its not widely known by many people in the world for now .


Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • in making money steemit , in this area need more information, detail to explore the anwer
  • need more detail to explore the every question 4,5
  • every question demand to explore detail related question

some important point related curator and voting

At the time when the post published the first 5 minutes the curation reward gets increased by 20% after each minute. Like, suppose if the post published at 12 PM, then the curation reward will be as follows for the first 5 minutes.

If you vote after one minute means at 12.01 PM the curation reward will be 20%
If you vote after two minutes means at 12.02 PM the curation reward will be 40%
If you vote after three minutes means at 12.03 PM the curation reward will be 60%
If you vote after four minutes means at 12.04 PM the curation reward will be 80%
If you vote after five minutes means at 12.05 PM the curation reward will be 100%

keep always try to original work, and this will help you to gain good position

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade ; 4

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